
发表时间:2010/02/27 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:Mman  浏览次数:18456  

第一章 玻利维亚——蒂瓦纳科(Bolivia - Tiwanaku)
第二章 秘鲁——回到帕拉伊索(Peru - Return to Paraíso)
第三章 日本——会见高本(Japan - Meeting with Takamoto)
第四章 加纳——追踪詹姆斯·拉特兰(西非)(Ghana - Pursuing James Rutland (West Africa))
第五章 哈萨克斯坦——『卡本内克』(Kazakhstan - Project Carbonek)
第六章 英格兰——亚瑟王之墓?(England - King Arthur's Tomb?)
第七章 尼泊尔——加拉利之匙(Nepal - The Ghalali Key)
第八章 玻利维亚——镜子(重返玻利维亚)(Bolivia - The Looking Glass (Bolivia Redux))

本段视频包含《古墓丽影7:传奇》第八章玻利维亚—镜子(重返玻利维亚)全部竞速通关高清视频。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。全章完成时间:0:01:02。录制时间:2008年01月22日。


Area 8, Bolivia Redux: Time: 1:02: First, I used "advanced hold" targeting for this level, as I found it much better than the default mode for the combat here. The first fight is relatively random, the best way seems to be to stick to the middle at the start, then move out and clear one of the edges, and hope any stragglers come to you in the meantime. By FAR the most annoying thing in this level is a bug; Lara randomly hurts herself with the Excalibur, making you lose about three quarters of your health and killing you half the time, this happens a lot, making the level way more annoying than it's supposed to be.

Freezing the boss require tons of luck and very precise timing, it seems like getting the first hit in substantially lowers its chance of evasion, but it still has a habit of suddenly dodging everything you throw at it. I managed to stun it until the last hit here, where I lost a few seconds as it got away, I might have tried to freeze it for the whole battle, if the random "suicides" in the first fight weren't so frustrating. Note that the Bolivia time in my final time demonstration is wrong, although everything else is right.
