第一章 玻利维亚——蒂瓦纳科(Bolivia - Tiwanaku)
第二章 秘鲁——回到帕拉伊索(Peru - Return to Paraíso)
第三章 日本——会见高本(Japan - Meeting with Takamoto)
第四章 加纳——追踪詹姆斯·拉特兰(西非)(Ghana - Pursuing James Rutland (West Africa))
第五章 哈萨克斯坦——『卡本内克』(Kazakhstan - Project Carbonek)
第六章 英格兰——亚瑟王之墓?(England - King Arthur's Tomb?)
第七章 尼泊尔——加拉利之匙(Nepal - The Ghalali Key)
第八章 玻利维亚——镜子(重返玻利维亚)(Bolivia - The Looking Glass (Bolivia Redux))
本段视频包含《古墓丽影7:传奇》第二章秘鲁—回到帕拉伊索(上部)竞速通关高清视频。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。全章完成时间:0:12:04。录制时间:2008年01月22日。
Part 3, Town: The town battle shows how fights with environmental traps can be "choreographed" to go as fast as possible, I knock the barrel from the cart before the cutscene so it can be shot easily, then a little luck with explosive barrels lets you wipe out almost everything easily. The grenades in the house are vital for later. I found that the rooftop path was the fastest way to reach the end.
本段视频包含《古墓丽影7:传奇》第二章秘鲁—回到帕拉伊索(中部)竞速通关高清视频。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。全章完成时间:0:12:04。录制时间:2008年01月22日。
Part 4, Bike ride: This is the main reason I segmented this level, the bike rides are mostly luck; even if you stick close, sometimes Lara lands every shot, other times she goes through three clips for one biker (and sometimes it varies mid-level). Also, I need to wipe out the set of bikers after the bridge with a single explosive barrel, which also needs luck (note the bug there). There are certain parts where the ride loops a lot more if you don't kill enemies within a certain period, the first biker is an example; if you kill him too slowly the second set of bikers takes far too long to appear and the track loops. I think I managed to get every biker within an optimal time on this run, although it's hard to tell. I turn slightly whenever I pick up items as it seems like it stops you slowing down from the impact, but I'm not sure. There was a very annoying bug I had where, instead of continuing, the game loads the last checkpoint after finishing this level, I think it has something to do with having low health as you impact the back of the truck at the end and dying in the process, but the screen fades out too soon to tell. Someone told me a trick where slowing down could make you kill faster, but I couldn't seem to confirm that in my testing.
本段视频包含《古墓丽影7:传奇》第二章秘鲁—回到帕拉伊索(下部)竞速通关高清视频。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。全章完成时间:0:12:04。录制时间:2008年01月22日。
Part 5, Flashback and Tomb: The longest segment of the level, thanks to segmenting I was able to take risky shortcuts I wouldn't take normally, such as the first pit jump in the flashback. If you jump on the first box as it falls on the pressure plate you skip Lara's climbing animation, saving a little bit of time. The first ball room has invisible walls all above the spikes, so it seems like moving the ball first is the only way to get up. At the chase section, you can still move while the cutscene is running even after you fall in the pit, so I climbed up to the ball ledge before the sequence ended. The key to the ball working consistently is to release it as soon as possible (let it roll as opposed to pushing it onto the slope yourself), it may be possible to have it roll on the plate faster. The second pit jump is another shortcut I wouldn't do if this wasn't segmented.
You can start moving before the cutscene starts at the beginning of the next level, although it can be hard to orient yourself. The swimming is just a case of making your diving as smooth as possible so you stop moving forwards as little as possible, I think this was one of my faster swims. At the switch "puzzle" your air freezes during the switch animation, so it's a case of trying to cut it as close as possible, I managed to get it near-perfect this time. I do a strange reverse grapple at the first slope, which seems faster than climbing, the second slope is only possible the normal way. The ball puzzle is where the most major shortcut is performed; the floor cracks let me align the grenade throw pretty consistently, and it saves a ton of time, unfortunately you have to open the statue before doing this, so you need to move the last ball after. I let the cutscene run a little before skipping, otherwise I have to wait for the statue to open while on the ladder (since I'm not 100% sure whether cutscenes stop the timer, I tried not to let it run too long). I had to find this trick myself, which seems kind of odd, as, based on the crazy tricks found in the speedrun guide, it seems like many people are far better at finding things like this than me.
On the way out, at the drop before the crack it's possible to land right on the ledge rather than grabbing and climbing up, however, the stumble you get from this means there's barely any difference in time. I'm not fully sure whether grappling down the slopes is the fastest way, but it seemed to be. Killing a couple of guards in the drained water room takes barely any time and makes the rope climb far less risky (on hard, if you leave them, there's about an 80% chance you will get knocked down, with only one left your chance of being knocked down is about 20%). Before the rope to the outside, if you jump on a bricks near it you grab it higher, also, climbing high up the rope so you can jump off without grabbing seems faster than jumping off the rope early and climbing up. The final battle can quite unpredictable, especially whether the guards will dodge grenades or not, unfortunately they dodged the first grenade, but the second one worked, then I missed another which cost me a second or two, but everything else went well.