曾经的世界纪录,《古墓丽影7:传奇》不间断(SS)无条件(Any%)100%完成度竞速通关视频。作者:SirRed64(法国),通关完成时间:RTA 1小时13分21秒(含读盘时间为1小时13分55秒,实际游戏时间为1小时10秒12秒),录制时间:2019年12月19日,难度:简单,录制平台:PC。完整古墓丽影竞速通关请访问:https://www.speedrun.com/tomb_raider。
I had a lot of issues with the end of Ghana and the new oob in England (which I decided not to try here to be safe). In this run they were fine, but I had a glitch at the end of Peru, which costs me 47-48 seconds, and I forgot the last secret before the bike in Kazakhstan. I failed the last airwalk in the gymnastics room, but it happens 99% of the time...
No more major mistakes I think, sum of best is 1h11 after a week of runs.