
发表时间:2020/02/02 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:SirRed64  浏览次数:2378  

  曾经的世界纪录,《古墓丽影7:传奇》不间断(SS)无BUG(Glitchless)竞速通关视频。作者:SirRed64(法国),通关完成时间:RTA 1小时06分38秒(含读盘时间为1小时07分07秒,实际游戏时间为1小时05秒41秒),录制时间:2019年9月19日,难度:简单,录制平台:PC。完整古墓丽影竞速通关请访问:https://www.speedrun.com/tomb_raider


30 fps run, done with vsync off (so you can win probably 10-15s in vsync on with the bridge in Ghana, but it's unplayable).
Most of the time lost in due to rng, bikes are very bad with 25s lost on Kazak's one and 25s lost on the final boss.
Bolivia puzzle could be really better, and the flashback is bad with 1 death.
Sum of best : 1:05:26 w/o loads (11 segments)
