发表时间:2015/08/02 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ZZer 浏览次数:67705
国外网站:[ ABCDE ] [ FGHIJ ] [ KLMNO ] [ PQRST ] [ UVWXYZ ]
Universo Tomb Raider 全世界的古墓丽影 |
简介:古墓丽影综合网站。 | ||
Jeeves ; A Butler's Tale 吉夫斯——一个男管家的故事 |
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World Croft 克劳馥世界 |
简介:(巴西Brazil/葡萄牙Portugal) In honor of World Croft’s fourth anniversary the team is hosting a contest with some exclusive goodies on the line! To participate you need to “like” the World Croft Facebook page and detail why you love Tomb Raider in the comments. The promotion ends on December 24, so get on it! |
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Zach T Cox :: Concept Artist Zach T Cox :: 概念图画师 |
简介:2008年参与古墓丽影8(DS版)制作,担任铅笔稿绘图师(Lead Artist)、 概念图画师(Concept Artist)、2D艺术和动画制作(2D Art and Particle Animation)的Zach T Cox的个人主页。 |