
发表时间:2011/08/07 00:00:00  来源:“古墓丽影网站”翻译  作者:梅根·玛丽  浏览次数:13755  

“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”是古墓丽影社区经理梅根·玛丽(Meagan Marie)发布在官方微博上的一个系列短讯,每周一条,报道她在水晶动力办公区里发现的一些有趣的所见所闻。【古墓丽影中国】为大家将这些趣闻进行了汇总,以便我们跟随梅根·玛丽的视角去探访那个成就水晶动力的神秘区域。

[1~10期] [11~20期] [21~30期] [31期~更新]

“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第三十期

Crystal Dynamics would cease to function properly if this machine went out of service. Our “coffee bot” mixes a large variety of flavor packs for a gourmet drink experience. My favorite recipe combines three packs - the extra bold Columbian, a shot of chai, and nonfat steamed milk. If you don’t like coffee, there are hot chocolate and tea options, too. Arrive early if you don’t want to wait in a line every morning!



“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第二十九期

A brisk walk from Crystal HQ sits the Pacific Shores Club. Equipped with more fitness machines than you could ever need, a rock climbing wall, and daily group classes, the free gym membership is one of the largest perks of life at Crystal. The outdoor pool is another plus, but I’ve been too chicken to try it out just yet. It’s cold in the morning!


“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第二十八期

In case of snack emergency, break glass. Or you could just pop in a few quarters. In addition to fresh food and catered meals for late nights, there is always a vending option available at Crystal. The trio of machines boast surprisingly healthy options in addition to the standard chocolate fodder.  



“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第二十七期

Little known fact: Karl is a whiteboard addict. This massive markerboard arrived Monday, and Mr. Stewart has already claimed it for himself.

译者注:卡尔·斯图尔特(Karl Stewart)是水晶动力工作室的全球品牌经理(Global Brand Director)。


“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第二十六期

Need to get across the studio fast? Hop on one of these!


“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第二十五期

Massive Tomb Raider posters work perfectly as makeshift cubicle doors.

“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第二十四期

We recently redecorated the entryway to Crystal Dynamics with Lara’s covers from the past year. So far we’re over 30!


“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第二十三期

Game design essentials spotted on the desk of a Crystal Dynamics employee - snacks, toothpaste, and a small fountain for a little extra zen.


“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第二十二期

Tom, a scripter at Crystal Dynamics, nurtures an impressive cactus collection tucked away near a window. One cactus is apparently augmented with a face of a former colleague. We’re a sentimental bunch.


“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第二十一期

“卡尔(Karl)的办公室里收藏着一件他在以前工作中得到的绝对让人印象深刻的纪念品。这把剑是他从丰乐(Funcom)/奇论娱乐(Paradox Entertainment)公司赢得的礼物,那时他在担任《科南时代(Age of Conan)》游戏的创意总监和营销总监。这可是第一部《柯南(Conan)》电影的原始道具哟!”
Karl has quite an impressive collection of memorabilia from past projects in his office. He scored this sword as a gift from Funcom/Paradox Entertainment when he was Creative Director and Marketing Director on Age of Conan. It’s an original prop from the first Conan movie!
