发表时间:2023/01/15 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ZZer 浏览次数:1358
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 奖杯 |
古墓丽影 Tomb Raider |
完成所有挑战 Complete all challenges |
启程 A journey begins |
逃离奥西里斯金字塔 Escape the Pyramid of Osiris |
时光荏苒 Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking |
完成“计时者之墓”章节 Complete the Tomb of the Timekeeper |
为什么非是蛇? Why's it have to be snakes? |
完成“银器匠之墓”章节 Complete the Tomb of the Silversmith |
没虫可妄自尊大 No bug is too big for these boots! |
击败凯普里神 Defeat Khepri |
我该买条船 I should buy a boat |
完成“摆渡人之墓”章节 Complete the Tomb of the Ferryman |
用火焚烧! Burn it with fire! |
完成“点灯者墓穴”章节 Complete the Tomb of the Lamplighter |
腹部按摩包治百病 Nothing a belly rub can't fix |
击败鳄鱼神索贝克 Defeat Sobek |
汝可知何物合吾齿轮? You know what grinds my gears? |
完成“建造者之墓”章节 Complete the Tomb of the Architect |
一块裹布 That's a wrap |
击败法老 Defeat the Pharaoh |
用尖头刺入他们! Stick'em with the pointy end! |
完成拷问者墓穴 Complete the Tomb of the Torturer |
坏……小狗? Bad...Doggy? |
击败赛特 Defeat Set |