[#2955/trle2941][创造经典之古墓丽影二十周年:徒步惊魂(CaC: 20 years of TR - The Hike)]视频攻略
[#2955/trle2941][创造经典之古墓丽影二十周年:徒步惊魂(Create a Classic: 20 years of TR - The Hike)]视频攻略,原视频网址:https://youtu.be/-c3wRzFKQFQ,发布者:Doggett D. McDog。
Name: Tomb Raider: Create a Classic 20 years of TR - The Hike
Author: Mordyga
Download: http://trle.net/sc/levelfeatures.php?...
Game Number: 2941
Data: 02 - Dec - 2016
Type: Tomb Raider 4
Class: Young Lara
Support the channel with donations: https://www.patreon.com/DoggettDougla...
1/3 - Golden Rose - 0:39
2/3 - Golden Rose - 7:27
3/3 - Golden Rose - 18:07
Crowbar - 1:12
Rubber Tube - 2:26
Broken Handle - 4:19
Wall Hook - 5:17
Tower Key 1 - 8:42
Tower Key 2 - 17:27
Pitch Fork - 21:18
Bestiary - 23:32
Church Key - 24:24
Bone Dust - 25:02
Torch - 26:20
Village Key - 29:04
Torch - 30:51