[#1878][返璞归真2008:帕查库蒂克印加山谷(BtB2008 - Pachacutec Incas Valley)]视频攻略
[#1878][返璞归真2008:帕查库蒂克印加山谷(Back to Basics 2008 - Pachacutec Inca's Valley)]视频攻略,原视频网址:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLarh4rjpA5GRd-OuHsI0LxNOo__Hu8SBu,发布者 :LaraCroft MP。
Complete walkthrough of Pachacutec Inca's Valley, part of the Back to Basics 2008 challenge.
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Website page: http://www.trle.net/sc/levelfeatures....
Download: http://www.trle.net/scadm/trle_dl.php...
Author: Roli
Release date: 01 - Jan - 2008
Downloads: 644
Average rating (atm): 8.36
File type: TR4
Story written by the author:
The valley of Pachacutec Inca, the Peruvian king, lays somewhere in the mountains of Ollantaytambo. According to the legend, Pachacutec Inca left a valuable Incan golden object in the valley, it is called the idol of Pachacutec.It is believed that if fallen to the wrong hands, the idol has the power to call forward an ancient evil, which could bring the hell upon earth.It is Lara's turn to find the idol, which is guarded by the remnants of the ancient civilization.
My review on the official website: (7 - 7 - 8 - 8)
"Nice small level here. It was very pleasant to play it for about an hour or so. It's consists of a very simple game play, making it pretty easy to pass the level. But the surroundings, sounds, textures, everything used to decorate the level made the experience much better. And although the puzzles were simple, they were enjoyable. I'm going to speak about two of them: there's a part where knowing which lever will open a door consists of trial and error - that was a bad thing and not challenging at all. The other one is on the final part of the level - having to use the millwheel and the animation for it really made me like this level even more. Perfect realistic detail. To conclude: this level is gorgeous, simple mechanics but fun and you'll have a great time playing it."