
发表时间:2017/03/18 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:LaraCroft MP  浏览次数:2920  

  [#2213][复仇(Revenge)]视频攻略,原视频网址:https://youtu.be/ToscbAayS-4,发布者:LaraCroft MP。

Author: Candylicious
Release date: 01 - Sep - 2009
Average rating (atm): 1.88
File type: TR4

Story written by the author: 
My review on the official website: (1 - 1 - 1 - 1)
""I have 2 find Sophia!" You encounter right at the first area! Guess it should have ended there...but wait! Sophia has twins! Find the buggy twins, kill centaurs, drive ALWAYS FORWARD - if you don't drive always forward, you'll end up in an 'impossible to leave' room...and you can't find her twins. When you do find the twins, close the game by yourself, as there is no ending trigger. The End"
