[#2774][古墓丽影:拯救(第一部)- 序幕(Tomb Raider Salvation (Part 1) - Prologue)]视频攻略
This guide includes:
- Labyrinth Key 3:25
- Front Door Key 5:31
- Mold 11:30
- Pistols 12:43
- Cake 13:45
- Plug 15:18
- Closet Key 17:47
- Manor Gates Key 19:25
Also includes all secrets:
- Secret #1 13:07
- Secret #2 15:57
- Secret #3 17:15
Level made by Gabriel Croft
"Lara must find 5 artefacts that were hidden through the world to destroy them. Because If they end up in wrong hands, the world may be destroyed. Lara already knows the location of all the five. Unfortunately, she is not the only one. But that is no matter to her, equipped with her gear and weapons, she will start exploring an island with a hidden treasure and some wrecked ships located somewhere on the Atlantic ocean. Later, she will have to explore the uncharted caves of Grand Canyon, travel through the ghost city of Xian to reach Penglai Shan, the Island of The Immortals, that hides Qinshihuangs Tomb. The last artifact is located inside a huge skyscraper, located in Paris.
In this part, help Lara to get ready to start her adventure, finding her weapons and gears in her own manor, and the lost keys to the gates."