[#2776][返璞归真2014:高棉帝国之Marahatanahaduhashitva(Khmer Empire)]下载

发表时间:2014/09/01 00:00:00  来源:“Rendez-vous”汇编  作者:Maciej Skrzypiec  浏览次数:2726  

【本站相关链接:[#2776][返璞归真2014:高棉帝国之Marahatanahaduhashitva(Back to Basics 2014 - Khmer Empire(Marahatanahaduhashitva))]视频攻略】【点击进入本站论坛相关板块

trle.net / 地址:http://www.trle.net/levels/levels/2014/0814/BtB/BtB2014-18-Marahatanahaduhashitva.zip
释放日期:2014年8月2日 (treditor.hu & trle.net); 2014年8月2日 (laraslevelbase.org) 
关卡作者:Maciej Skrzypiec
为了找到圣箭,人们到处搜寻它,将每个已经搜寻过带有寺庙的地方都标上了记号,却仍然一无所获。如今劳拉想帮温斯顿找个女朋友,而温斯顿将整个人生都奉献给克劳馥家族,至今单身,因此只有圣箭可以做到。劳拉得到了一些记录着地址的残留纸条,其中揭示了柬埔寨最古老的人类痕迹──Laang Spean 洞穴,这有可能是一娜迦族的栖息地。在那里,不仅有回忆,还有........于是,劳拉出发了。
【英文】:When Kambu married Mera, her father dried his ocean homeland and formed water tanks for amphibious nagas to share the kingdom with dry-land humans. An arrow Kambu had enchanted Mera with became a holy relic, firmly guarded as a reason of new country's foundation.But someone stole the Arrow, took the throne and, fearing to lose power the same way, tried to mince the artifact. But as tough as divine items are, it was hidden instead, guarded even harder, location note burnt. People dag everywhere in search for it, marking each checked place with a temple. They found nothing.Now Lara wants to find Winston a girlfriend. He's a devoted single, so only the Arrow can do. Acquired scraps of its location note reveal the oldest human trace in Cambodia - the cave of Laang Spean – might be a Naga tank. More than memories may live down there... Lara sets off.





