《古墓丽影:十周年纪念版》配置要求(Tomb Raider: Anniversary System Requirements)[Bilingual]

发表时间:2012/04/02 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:未知(改版遗失)  浏览次数:7462  

System Requirements


  • 操作系统:Microsoft Windows Vista, 2000, 或 XP 
    OS: Microsoft Windows Vista, 2000, or XP
  • 处理器: Pentium 3 1.4Ghz 或 Athlon XP 1500+
    Processor:Pentium 3 1.4Ghz or Athlon XP 1500+
  • 内存:512MB (Windows Vista) 或 256MB (Windows 2000/XP)
    Memory: 512MB RAM (Windows Vista) or 256MB RAM (Windows 2000/XP)
  • 显卡:100%兼容DirectX 9.0c 显存64MB 支持硬件光影转换(T&L)的3D加速卡(GeForce 3TI / Radeon 9 系列)
    Graphics: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64 MB 3D Accelerated Card with TnL (GeForce 3TI / Radeon 9 series)
  • 声卡:微软视窗2000/XP/Vista 系统兼容声卡 (100% 兼容DirectX 9.0c)
    Sound:  Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista compatible sound card (100% DirectX 9.0c -compatible)
  • 硬盘空间:4GB空余磁盘空间
    Hard Drive: 4GB free disk space
  • 操作模式: 100% 兼容 Windows 2000/XP/Vista 鼠标和键盘
    Controller: 100% Windows 2000/XP/Vista compatible mouse and keyboard


  • 操作系统:Microsoft Windows XP, Vista 
    OS: Microsoft Windows XP, Vista
  • 处理器:Pentium 4 3.0Ghz 或 Athlon 64 3000+
    Processor:  Pentium 4 3.0Ghz or Athlon 64 3000+
  • 内存:1GB
    Memory: 1GB
  • 显卡:100%兼容DirectX 9.0c 显存64MB 带像素着色器2.0的3D加速卡(GeForce 6000 series / Radeon X 系列)
    Graphics: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB 3D Accelerated Card with Pixel Shader 2.0 (GeForce 6000 series / Radeon X series)
  • 声卡:微软视窗2000/XP/Vista 系统兼容声卡 (100% 兼容DirectX 9.0c)
    Sound:  Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista compatible sound card (100% DirectX 9.0c -compatible)
  • 硬盘空间:4GB空余磁盘空间
    Hard Drive: 4GB free disk space
  • 操作模式: 100% 兼容 Windows XP/Vista 鼠标和键盘
    Controller: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista compatible sound card (100% DirectX 9.0c -compatible)