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曾经的世界纪录,《古墓丽影9》不间断(SS)无BUG(Glitchless)100%完成度(100% Run)竞速通关视频。作者:wildcat0017(美国),通关完成时间:RTA 2小时51分10秒(不含读盘时间),RTA 3小时10分44秒(含读盘时间),难度:Normal,录制时间:2022年6月20日,录制平台:PC。
Tomb Raider (2013)- 100% Glitchless WR- 2:51:18.57
A handful of crashes and a sketchy final skip. But nothing should be in the way of verification
There were a handful of game crashes. Also the final skip was the sketchy version, but the discord, I believe, kind of decided it was ok.
Mod note: Adjusted -8.4s on crashes. -Kvellish