[ 古墓丽影竞速通关世界纪录索引 ]
曾经的世界纪录,《古墓丽影9》不间断(SS)无条件(Any%)竞速通关视频。作者:Cadarev(瑞士),通关完成时间:RTA 1小时00分20秒(不含读盘时间54分25秒),录制时间:2021年3月8日,录制平台:PC。
原视频网址:https://youtu.be/bu1hhUMO__E(发布者:Cadarev Elry)
Tomb Raider (2013) - Any% (no DLCs) Speedrun in 54:25
Real time (with loads): 1:00:20
Video of the run with timer and inputs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJEMf...
Twitch highlight: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/942186103
This run originally started from the first checkpoint after the initial sequence of Lara pulling out the rebar she lands on. For completeness' sake, the sequence before that point as well as the full credits were added.