
发表时间:2011/05/04 00:00:00  来源:“小七”翻译  作者:未知(改版遗失)  浏览次数:1877  


  在一篇与Edge的访问中,Darrell Gallagher (水晶动力- 工作室总监)和Karl Stewart (水晶动力 - 全球品牌总监)解释道,游戏的传统游戏方式已经失去势头。



  “三部曲游戏的正是重启并不是我们自己所希望的”全球品牌总监Karl Stewart说“我们只是在制作水晶的游戏而已,我们认为这是一个已经成熟的构想。”



Crystal Dynamics tells Tomb Raider reboot is "necessary"!

May 4th, 2011

The decision by Crystal Dynamics to give the Tomb Raider franchise a comprehensive reboot felt like the only way to go for the series. 

In an interview with Edge, Darrell Gallagher (Crystal Dynamics - Head of Studio) and Karl Stewart Crystal Dynamics - Global Brand Director), explained that the game's traditional formula had run out of steam. 

"A reboot for us felt like the necessary thing to do," said Gallagher. "Lara had hit her apex in how she was before, and we didn't really feel we could take that any farther. It was a chance to look at everything again, bring new people in who had been interested in the franchise before but didn't feel like Lara was modern enough." 

"We left no stones unturned as we were going through the concept, and then kept the right stones. The crucial thing is that it feels like her, even though it's completely different." 

"The Trilogy games weren’t official reboots for us," says global brand director Karl Stewart. "They were just Crystal’s interpretations of the game as it was. We see this as a fully fledged reimagining." 

Gallagher agrees: "We wanted to take risks. We felt like we’d done some really great games after inheriting Tomb Raider from Core Design, and one of our goals now was to do something that people didn’t expect, that felt fresh. The series is a sacred and fragile thing, but you have to go for it. You’re not going to make it sacred again unless you make that big leap." 

Tomb Raider (9) is due out later this year, sees a young Lara Croft attempting to survive after being shipwrecked on a remote Japanese island. 
