
发表时间:2011/05/25 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“ericspeed”翻译  浏览次数:2346  





Personalized Microsoft E3 press badge hints at Tomb Raider reveal

 May 24th, 2011

The fooks at destructoid.com received there press badge for Microsoft's E3 press conference. Most interesting is that the accompanying stickers allow for attendees to personalize their passes, with references to Tomb Raider, Batman, Gears of War and the Star Wars Kinect game.

This could mean that TOMB RAIDER will be one of the toppics during the Microsoft press conference, as Square Enix has a big booth showing off Tomb Raider, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Hitman Absolution and more, during the E3 Expo on June 7-9, Los Angeles, USA.

The Microsoft E3 press conference kicks off on the morning of Monday, June 6.

More information coming soon.