劳拉现身全世界最大iPhone 为古墓丽影新作宣传

发表时间:2010/12/23 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:未知(改版遗失)  浏览次数:2498  



据悉,这座由56台iPad组装而成的巨大iPhone,将被用来帮助宣传新的iPad版《劳拉克劳馥与光之守护者(Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light)》,在App Store上的售价是9.99美元。另外官方还表示,这次活动结束后,所有这56台iPad将被送给在官方博客上前排围观的网友作纪念。



HOW APPT: Lara Croft makes iPad Debut
 December 21th, 2010


World’s largest iPhone wows St Pancras commuters for Lara’s launch

LONDON, UK - Commuters and passers-by at London St. Pancras International station this morning grasped at the opportunity to get their hands on a free iPad - literally. To mark the launch of LARA CROFT AND THE GUARDIAN OF LIGHT on the iPad, iPhone and iPod, Lara Croft greeted visitors to the station in a unique, first of its kind digital billboard made entirely from iPads.

The one-of-a-kind installation – made using 56 iPads – only lasted for 30 minutes once the display had finished, with a handful of lucky Londoners walking away with the latest technology craze with a copy of the game pre-loaded.

"Gaming on the move is a fantastic way to keep entertained on those long winter commutes," said Darrell Gallagher, Studio Head of Crystal Dynamics. "With temperatures in the UK set to drop again this week people need this today more than ever".

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is available to download from iTunes now for the iPad (£5.99), iPhone and iPod (£3.99).
