
发表时间:2013/05/09 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:3672  



Tomb Raider Outfit Pack Now Available!

Looking for some new threads for Lara? Three new outfits are now available across all platforms and territories, up for purchase individually or as a pack. Details below!

Demolition: Outfit Lara with the Demolition Gear, featuring an engineering jumpsuit and belt pack. 80 Microsoft Points/€0.79/$0.99

Mountaineer: The Mountaineer outfit features the padded vest, grapples, and harness of an expert climber. 80 Microsoft Points/€0.79/$0.99

Sure-Shot: With the Sure-Shot outfit, Lara wears a competition style archery suit with high boots and forearm guards. 80 Microsoft Points/€0.79/$0.99

Tomb Raider Outfit Pack #2: A 3-pack bundle of outfits for Lara — the Demolition, Sure-Shot and Mountaineer outfits. 160 Microsoft Points/€1.49/$1.99

Which one is your favorite? I’m a fan of the Sure Shot first and foremost. I think the tall boots leave me feeling a bit nostalgic. :S



