发表时间:2013/04/27 00:00:00 来源:“ZZer”转载 作者:The Angry Joe Show 浏览次数:2298
看看“愤怒的”乔·巴尔加斯("Angry" Joe Vargas)怎么评《古墓丽影9》。其网站(“愤怒乔的真人秀”The Angry Joe Show)给《古墓丽影9》打了8.9分。有趣的是主题页面上关于“是否愿意购买”的投票,选择“是”的有2162名,选择“不”的450名,比例是4.8:1,比本站调查的3.3:1要高哟。
你可能会喜欢:Nails its Survivor Story Atmosphere.
Excellent Sense of Progression.
Beautiful Graphics & Environments.
Fantastic Re-imagining appealing to both old & new fans.
Tombs, Collectibles & the Island itself.
Intense Combat & Cinematic "Running" Sections.
Perfect Blend of Action, Survival, Platforming, Relic hunting & Puzzle Solving.
Needless Copycat Multiplayer.
Auto Kill Combat QTE's.
Could use a bit more Tombs.