
发表时间:2013/02/22 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”翻译  作者:未知(改版遗失)  浏览次数:2884  

古墓丽影官方宣布,意大利语版的《古墓丽影9》是由贝内黛塔·蒙蒂塞利(Benedetta Ponticelli)为劳拉配音。



Benedetta Ponticelli is Lara’s Italian Voice Actress

We’re getting down to the final few VO announces worldwide! Next up is the Italian voice of Lara, Benedetta Ponticelli. Benedetta has extensive experience with VO work, contributing across anime, television, movies, and games. She secured a degree in modern literature from the University of Pisa, prior to enrolling in dubbing courses in Milan.

Benedetta is most known for dubbing cartoons, including work for the Disney Channel. I’m geeking out a bit over the impressive list of anime she’s performed for.

You can here Benedetta channeling Lara here!
