
发表时间:2012/11/07 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:3283  


Lara Croft Cosplay @ Paris Games Week 2012

Can we all take a moment to appreciate the incredible caliber of Lara Croft cosplay coming out of Paris Games Week? Is there something in the water over there?!

Cosplayers Lili, Estelle, Tif, Zaelya, Marie, and Delphine are doing a stellar job representing Lara at the show. We expect more Crofts to turn up as the weekend progresses, with a scheduled cosplay gathering at the Square Enix booth at 2:00 PM on Sunday.

We’ll post more photos from the show floor soon!


Tomb Raider Takes Over Paris Games Week

Paris Games Week was a smashing success - congratulations to the Square Enix France team for a killer show! I think much of the buzz came from the incredible caliber of Lara Croft cosplay at the event. Check out a few snapshots of the gathering this past Sunday. Even a little Lara joined in on the fun!

You can spy some shots from earlier in the week here. Photos of individual cosplayers incoming momentarily!





Lara Croft Cosplay @ Paris Games Week 2012 (#2)

As promised, here are the rest of the solo shots of Lara cosplayers from Paris Games week! It is awesome seeing so many iterations of Lara represented.

Thank you to Julie, Ornella, Max, Melissa, Anais, Marine, Luce, EMC, Marilou, Deborah, and Gwen for stepping into Lara’s boots! 

You can check out our first gallery of croft costumers from PGW here

