
发表时间:2012/03/18 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:客观帝  浏览次数:3023  

No ‘Tomb Raider’ on Wii U; Another Bad Sign for Nintendo’s Third-Party Hopes

《古墓丽影》开发商Crystal Dynamics公共经理Megan Marie在官方网站FAQ表示,就《古墓丽影》新作是否开发wiiu版的问题作出如下回应。
In an Eidos Games forum FAQ posting from Crystal Dynamics community manger Megan Marie, the issue was brought up as to whether or not Tomb Raider was being developed for the Wii U — or any Nintendo platform, for that matter.
Here’s what the posting had to say:

"At this time no. When we started developing the game we made a conscious decision that it was all about building the game for a platform and making sure the game was specific to that platform. Given that we’ve been working on the game quite a while before Wii U was announced I think it would not be right to try and port it across. If we started building a game for the Wii U we would build it very differently and we would build it with unique functionality."

wiiu是在E3 2011时首次公布的,《古墓丽影》新作的概念也筹备数年了,所以我们估计这并不是开发商Crystal Dynamics或者发行商Square Enix有意让任天堂吃闭门羹的。这麻烦的讯息给任天堂不是损失了一个《古墓丽影》,而是第三方开发核心游戏的态度问题。Crystal Dynamics把wiiu视为在Xbox 360和PlayStation 3新一代主机夹层中尴尬的产物。
Keep in mind the first point that the Wii U was only announced back at E3 2011 and Tomb Raider’s conception likely goes back several years prior; it’s not as if Crystal Dynamics and publisher Square Enix openly shunned the system from the get go. The troubling news for Nintendo, and what’s left of its hard core gaming base, is that Crystal Dynamics seems to view the Wii U as a rocky middle ground between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and their incoming descendants.

在E3中,我们看不出针对目前 Xbox 360和PS3为绝对开发平台的第三方游戏商对wiiu独特的手柄操作持何种观望态度,但是Crystal Dynamics似乎并不持乐观态度,更糟的是它们也不是个别案例。
After our first impression of the system at E3, we weren’t quite sure how a developer would feel having to take a game currently in the works for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and integrate it with the Wii U’s unique controller and graphical specs. Crystal Dynamics seems out of their comfort zones on the issue, and they’re likely not alone.

英文原稿(作者:Brian Sipple):http://gamerant.com/no-tomb-raider-wii-u-brian-127305/


Wii U是任天堂预备2012年发售的游戏主机。其采用最新技术,全面兼容wii周边,可向下兼容wii游戏。游戏主机的创新之处在于采用了先进的控制器,控制器与游戏机有很强的互动性。任天堂表示,作为Wii游戏机的下一代产品,Wii U将支持高清视频,并配备触控屏手柄。这款手柄可以探测动作,并且实现互动。这款配备6.2英寸触控屏的手柄附带方向按键、麦克风、双模拟操控感、两个扬声器、L/R键以及前置摄像头。

东海东京证券分析师Yusuke Tsunoda表示:“外界对新款Wii抱有很高期望,但任天堂的新产品令人非常失望。人们希望E3大展上有更轰动的产品,但Wii U并未让人耳目一新。”

截至2011年6月8日下午1:21,任天堂股价一度下跌7.5%至16610日元,为2006年4月28日以来新低;交易量超过167万股,高于6个月平均的72.4万股。之后一度传出任天堂遭遇到史上前所未有的硬件难题, 截止10月底,wiiu版《战地3》和《铁拳》新作仍未开发。10月底,岩田聪宣布wiiu最终形态尽量将于2012年E3上公布并给首发更多大作。11月初,任天堂开始讨论是否平价甚至亏本销售……

