发表时间:2011/11/24 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ericspeed 浏览次数:2355
在古墓丽影官方论坛上,有爱好者发贴质疑并询问布莱恩·霍顿(Brian Horton)关于新作中劳拉的着装的问题(网友认为目前的设计劳拉不够前卫和性感,与游戏行业先驱女性的形象不符),因此布莱恩·霍顿阐述了开发团队对新劳拉着装设计的理念。
Can I just put in a quick critisism on the outfit choice you support in the interview, Brian. There is nothing of Lara reflected in a such generic 'grey' choice. No signiture sexyness or fashion sence at all. To have the new outfit/look embody too much masculinity also undermines the whole concept of Lara as the big pioneer for women in gaming.
The idea behind the grey was something that the team debated for a while. As a fan of the classics we wanted to nod to the original outfit in some way, and our first concept was of a light blue tank. We lived with that for a while and decided that a more neutral color was more fitting the personality profile we are building for her in this origin story.
We wanted to allow Lara to look understated, she's not interested in standing out because she hasn't yet achieved the confidence in herself. The grey also had an interesting side effect, depending on the lighting it changes color. For instance in the Den, her top reads as blue which I really liked. We use color in the lighting throughout the game to express emotions so Lara's outfit seems to change based on these color shifts.
As to her sex appeal, the team wanted to make her feel like she was a part of this crew and her outfit is a big part of that. We feel the design has struck the right balance of attractiveness and practicality. We didn't want her to have a uniform, so designing clothes that could be purchased in a store seemed like the correct choice. Layered tanks, khakis and boots felt right for her and if you look at the original Lara it's very close to that vision. The shorts were never a part of the equation for us, nor being an icon of fashion. It just didn't feel right in context to her character or as a crew member on this expedition. If you feel this detracts from her sex appeal I understand, but that was not our main goal. Our goal was to create the most believable, grounded version of Lara we could, younger and more emotionally rich.
We understand that these changes are a break from the past incarnations of Lara Croft, but we designed her with love and respect for her and the fans. Thanks again for your questions and concerns, I hope that helps put our decisions in context.