古墓丽影的最后时刻第四集:生死与共((The Final Hours of Tomb Raider: Surviving Together)

发表时间:2013/01/09 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:电玩巴士  浏览次数:2913  





The Final Hours of Tomb Raider Episode 4: Surviving Together

Ready for more multiplayer details after last week’s unveiling? The Final Hours of Tomb Raider Episode #4 is all about surviving as a team through online play.

In this episode host Zachary Levi chats with global brand manager Karl Stewart, creative director Noah Hughes, and Eidos-Montréal multiplayer producer Joe Khoury – the latter’s work having been shrouded in secrecy for over two years. Tune in above for a first look at multiplayer in action, and to watch Zachary freeze his butt off in the crisp Montréal weather!

While not appearing in this episode of The Final Hours, Crystal Dynamics’ studio head Darrell Gallagher and Eidos-Montréal GM Stephane D’Astous have been eager to weigh in with their excitement on Tomb Raider’s multiplayer reveal.

“It’s something we talked about when creating the initial design for Tomb Raider, but it was very important that there weren’t any distractions from our focus on delivering a great single player experience, so we parked the idea of creating multiplayer at Crystal Dynamics and looked to our sister studio, Eidos-Montréal” said Darrell Gallagher.

Stephane D’Astous, General Manager at Eidos-Montréal, added, “It’s been a privilege for the team at Eidos-Montréal to be a part of Tomb Raider. We built multiplayer from the ground-up, around the core theme of survival, using some of the key elements of the single player campaign and re-purposing them for a fast and exciting experience. It’s been an amazing project, one we’re immensely proud of and one which we really think gamers will have a lot of fun with.”

Weighing in with one last thought, Darrell Gallagher concluded, “For me, the multi-player has to fit and it has to be fun, so we’ve worked hard to make multiplayer fit seamlessly with the single player game and its key themes and we’ve play-tested the hell out of the multiplayer game, it’s working well and gamers are enjoying it. Now we’re all just eager to get Tomb Raider into gamers’ hands in March so they can experience the entire game for themselves.”

That’s it for now, but keep an eye out for much more multiplayer goodness coming out of CES later this week.
