《古墓丽影8:地下世界》Xbox 360成就
发表时间:2023/01/01 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ZZer 浏览次数:1384
Xbox 360版《古墓丽影8:地下世界》的成就及获取条件,总共41项1250成就点数。
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
序幕 Prologue |
完成“序幕”章节 Prologue successfully completed |
25 | |
生存大师 Master Survivalist |
用最困难模式完成游戏 Completed the game on hardest possible settings |
100 | |
宝藏收藏者 Treasure Collector |
找到10个宝藏 Found 10 Treasures |
30 | |
宝藏收藏能手 Skilled Treasure Collector |
找到50个宝藏 Found 50 Treasures |
40 | |
宝藏收藏专家 Dedicated Treasure Collector |
找到100个宝藏 Found 100 Treasures |
50 | |
宝藏收藏大师 Master Treasure Collector |
找到所有179个宝藏 Found all 179 Treasures |
60 | |
文物收藏者 Relic Collector |
找到1件古代遗物 Found a Relic |
30 | |
文物收藏专家 Dedicated Relic Collector |
找到3件古代遗物 Found 3 Relics |
50 | |
文物收藏大师 Master Relic Collector |
找到所有6件古代遗物 Found all 6 Relics |
70 | |
燕式跳水1 Swan Diver I |
在游戏中从水上三个最高点之一进行燕式跳水 Performed a swan dive off one of the three highest points over water in the game |
10 | |
燕式跳水2 Swan Diver II |
在游戏中从水上三个最高点的两处进行燕式跳水 Performed swan dives off two of the three highest points over water in the game |
10 | |
燕式跳水大师 Master Swan Diver |
在同一次通关过程中,从水上三个最高点进行燕式跳水 In one adventure, performed swan dives off the three highest points over water in the game |
10 | |
登山者 Climber |
完成一个不少于2次蹬墙的狭缝连跳 Executed a chimney jump of at least 2 wall kicks |
5 | |
登山大师 Master Climber |
完成一个不少于4次蹬墙的狭缝连跳 Executed a chimney jump of at least 4 wall kicks |
10 | |
极速恶魔1 Speed Demon I |
在45秒内驶入西瓦尔巴 Drove into Xibalba in under 45 seconds |
5 | |
极速恶魔2 Speed Demon II |
在50秒内从亡灵之门顶部驶到底部 Drove from the top of Valgrind to the bottom in under 50 seconds |
5 | |
极速恶魔 Speed Demon III |
在40秒内驶过英灵殿迷宫 Drove through the Valhalla Maze in under 40 seconds |
5 | |
极速恶魔大师 Master Speed Demon |
完成所有三个极速恶魔挑战 Beat all three Speed Demon challenges |
10 | |
马路杀手 Roadkiller |
用摩托车碾死1个敌人 Killed an enemy by running over it with the motorcycle |
5 | |
马路杀手大师 Master Roadkiller |
用摩托车碾死5个敌人 Killed five enemies by running over them with the motorcycle |
10 | |
掷弹兵 Grenadier |
用一枚手榴弹杀死两个敌人 Killed two enemies with one grenade |
10 | |
掷弹大师 Master Grenadier |
用一枚手榴弹杀死3个敌人 Killed three enemies with one grenade |
10 | |
武器专家 Weapons Expert |
完成1次子弹时间爆头 Executed an Adrenaline Attack headshot on an enemy |
5 | |
武器大师 Weapons Master |
完成10次子弹时间爆头 Executed ten Adrenaline Attack headshots |
10 | |
地中海探险 Mediterranean Sea Expedition |
完成“地中海”章节 Mediterranean Sea Expedition successfully completed |
50 | |
泰国海岸探险 Coastal Thailand Expedition |
完成“泰国海岸”章节 Coastal Thailand Expedition successfully completed |
75 | |
克劳馥庄园探险 Croft Manor Expedition |
完成“克劳馥庄园”章节 Croft Manor Expedition successfully completed |
25 | |
南墨西哥探险 Southern Mexico Expedition |
完成“南墨西哥”章节 Southern Mexico Expedition successfully completed |
100 | |
扬马延岛探险 Jan Mayen Island Expedition |
完成“扬马延岛”章节 Jan Mayen Island Expedition successfully completed |
50 | |
安达曼海探险 Andaman Sea Expedition |
完成“安达曼海”章节 Andaman Sea Expedition successfully completed |
25 | |
北冰洋探险 Arctic Sea Expedition |
完成“北冰洋”章节 Arctic Sea Expedition successfully completed |
100 |
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
灰烬之下 Beneath the Ashes |
完成“灰烬之下”扩展包 Beneath the Ashes Mission successfully completed |
50 | |
收藏大师 Master Collector |
找到“灰烬之下”中的所有隐藏古代遗物和宝藏 Hidden Relic and all Treasures in Beneath the Ashes Found |
50 | |
收藏家 Collector |
找到“灰烬之下”中的隐藏古代遗物 Hidden Relic in Beneath the Ashes Found |
25 |
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
淘金者 Treasure Hunter |
找到“劳拉之影”中的所有宝藏 All Treasures in Lara's Shadow found |
10 | |
遗物猎人 Relic Hunter |
找到“劳拉之影”中的隐藏古代遗物 Hidden Relic in Lara's Shadow found |
10 | |
奖励猎人大师 Master Reward Hunter |
找到“劳拉之影”中的所有隐藏古代遗物和宝藏 Hidden Relic and all Treasures in Lara's Shadow found |
25 | |
劳拉之影 Lara's Shadow |
完成“劳拉之影”扩展包 Lara's Shadow Mission successfully completed |
50 | |
提炼厂竞速通关 Refinery Speed Run |
完成从提炼厂第一个斜坡到后面平台的时间竞速 Completed a timed speed run from the first slope in the Refinery to the back platform |
10 | |
通行权 Right of Passage |
摧毁变压器后,用时间竞速方式通过不稳定通道 After destroying the Transformer, beaten a timed speed run through the unstable passage |
10 | |
暗影格斗大师 Shadow Combat Master |
完成“劳拉之影”的战斗教程 Completed the combat tutorial in Lara's Shadow |
10 |