
发表时间:2012/06/25 00:00:00  来源:“爱熊座”翻译  作者:Feral Interactive  浏览次数:3729  

就在今天(2012年6月14日),Feral Interactive正式宣布Feral标签版《古墓丽影:地下世界》登陆Mac平台。
Today is the day! Feral Interactive has officially released Tomb Raider: Underworld for the Mac under the Feral Legends label!

Feral Interactive总经理大卫·斯蒂芬说道:“《古墓丽影:地下世界》对Feral传说系列标签是很好的补充,我们很高兴看到劳拉登上了Mac平台。”
“Tomb Raider: Underworld is a great addition to the Feral Legends label” said David Stephen, Managing Director of Feral Interactive. “We are delighted to see Lara getting a grip on the Mac.”

《古墓丽影:地下世界》北美零售价:24.99美元,英国售价:17.49英镑,欧洲地区:19.99欧元。用户也可以从相关合作网站通过数字方式下载,包括Feral Interactive和Mac App Store
Tomb Raider: Underworld for the Mac retails for $24.99 in North America, £17.49 in the UK, and €19.99 throughout Europe. It can also be downloaded digitally from a slew of partner sites, including Feral Interactive, and the Mac App Store.

For more information, you can visit Feral’s dedicated mini-site. Check out the teaser trailer here!
