
发表时间:2017/02/11 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”授权转载  作者:Jhrx  浏览次数:4012  


Pretty good run overall , the small mistakes and random times losses were compensated by a very good proto nephilim RNG.
The game is in french because i am too lazy to get it to work in english , but it doesn't really matter as it only waste half a second ( Carvier's dialogues are 2 sec longer and Luddick's dialogues 1.5 sec faster)
As you probably have noticed, this is a very short and glitch heavy run due to the how broken the game is. It might be hard to grasp everything that is going on, so if you want to learn more about the game you can find some resources below.
It went from a close to 2 hours run to under 30 minutes over the course of a few months, mainly thanks to rtrger for being badass enough to re-route the entire game and discovering a lot of new glitches to abuse which brought a lot of attention to this game previously been one of the most unnoticed game of the tomb raider series.
Also shout out to xRikux89 for helping with trigger bugs , Carvier and the stealth glitch. 
It's still very likely that there is more time saves left to be found as we were limited by the lack of tools and resources while routing this game , added with the low amount of people running it .
Tricks and glitches : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Rtrger's Area 51 for AoD :https://docs.google.com/document/d/13...
Tomb Runner's Discord (Channel : aod) : https://discord.gg/CxsYAyP
Stream : https://www.twitch.tv/jhorxia
