
发表时间:2016/08/31 00:00:00  来源:“陈君君(June Chen)”翻译   作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:6015  

  作曲家皮特(Peter Connelly)提供了一段《古墓丽影6:黑暗天使》的被删减片段。这个片段里披露了劳拉是如何从《古墓丽影4》中逃脱出来的情节。

  《黑暗天使》的作者Murti Schofield诠释了她对这个游戏角色的解释:普泰对于劳拉来说是一个超乎于人类之上的导师。她是通过萨满链接到劳拉的冒险世界的神话根源。普泰可以教劳拉在一个前所未有的感知世界里学到更多不同,却又更精致、更基本的层面。而一旦劳拉开始从神话世界中转换到她所认知的领域,她会找利用各种方式去开启秘密,从而解锁世纪的门户。


   A deleted scene from Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness provided by composer Peter Connelly. The scene fills in the gaps on how Lara survived the events of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.
  Angel of Darkness Writer Murti Schofield explains her intended role in the game: "Putai was intended as a mentor figure in a way that Lara’s more earthly mentors could not hope to operate. She was a shamanic link to all the mythical roots of the worlds that Lara had been adventuring in for the whole of her life. What Putai would have been able to teach Lara was on a different, more refined, more elemental level than she had previously been able to perceive. And once Lara had begun to transform and understand her place in this mythical domain she would find all kinds of otherwise inaccessible secrets opening up to her. She would be able to unlock the Portal of the Centuries."
