
发表时间:2023/08/31 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:TrexOfTerror  浏览次数:925  

古墓丽影竞速通关世界纪录索引 -

  《古墓丽影4:最后的启示》不间断(SS)无BUG(Glitchless)全收集(Max%)竞速通关视频。作者:TrexOfTerror(美国),通关完成时间:RTA 5小时44分24秒,录制时间:2022年12月11日,录制平台:PC。


  Tomb Raider IV Max% (Glitchless) [5:44:24] World Record
  Well this was quite the run to do. It didn't take me that long to learn the entire route, but still it took a while. I'm not sure why I ended up doing this. It's such a long run with no clear way of seeing if you've gotten everything you were supposed to get, so I severely doubt I got everything. If I remembered everything that would be a miracle, so all I can do it hope while this run gets verified. I'll add an edit to this description once it's either validated or rejected.
  Edit: The run has been successfully verified, so I did get every item and kill currently possible to do glitchless. There were some exceptions like the enemies at the water puzzle in Temple of Horus. Those respawn (seemingly infinitely), so as per rules they don’t have to be killed at all since they come back infinitely. I’m quite happy I got everything cause it means I don’t have to do it again.
