发表时间:2024/02/27 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ZZer 浏览次数:684
Xbox系列(包含Xbox One、Xbox One X、Xbox One S三个版本)《古墓丽影3复刻版》《古墓丽影3黄金版:失落的神器复刻版》成就及获取条件,总共81项1305成就点数,其中古墓丽影3共60项1000成就点数,古墓丽影3黄金版共21项305成就点数。
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
印法达圣石 TR3 Infada Stone |
完成印度章节 Finish India chapter |
10 | |
元素115 TR3 Element 115 |
完成内华达章节 Finish Nevada chapter |
10 | |
奥拉匕首 TR3 Ora Dagger |
完成南太平洋章节 Finish South Pacific chapter |
10 | |
女神伊西斯之眼 TR3 The Eye of Isis |
完成伦敦章节 Finish London chapter |
10 | |
这个地方承载着许多往事 TR3 This Place Has a Busy History |
完成南极洲章节 Finish Antarctica chapter |
10 | |
诸圣堂 TR3 All Hallows |
完成奖励关卡 Finish the bonus level |
15 | |
印度手稿 TR3 Codex of India |
收集所有印度关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in India levels |
20 | |
内华达手稿 TR3 Codex of Nevada |
收集所有内华达关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in Nevada levels |
20 | |
波利尼西亚手稿 TR3 Codex of Polynesia |
收集所有南太平洋关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in South Pacific levels |
20 | |
英国手稿 TR3 Codex of England |
收集所有伦敦关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in London levels |
20 | |
南极洲手稿 TR3 Codex of Antarctica |
收集所有南极洲关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in Antarctica levels |
20 | |
我只对运动感兴趣!总是这样! TR3 I Only Play for Sport! Always! |
在6小时内完成游戏 Finish the game in less than 6 hours |
100 | |
欢迎回到鄙人的寒舍! TR3 Welcome to My Humble Abode! |
欣赏一下劳拉的神器收藏品 Appreciate Lara's artifact collection |
5 | |
努力训练,轻松战斗 TR3 Train Hard, Fight Easy |
在2小时20分钟内完成障碍训练 Finish the assault course in 2:20 or less |
10 | |
流星般的速度 TR3 At the Speed of a Meteor |
在39秒内完成四轮摩托车竞速 Complete a quad bike race in less than 39 seconds |
10 | |
进化优势 TR3 Evolutionary Superiority |
在猴子抢夺医包之前拿到它 Pick up medipack before monkey grabs it |
5 | |
翱翔之狐 TR3 Flying Fox |
使用所有的滑索 Use all ziplines |
15 | |
随风而动 TR3 Her Airness |
爬到树顶,既不通过舱口,也不跳进水里 Get to the treetops without going down the hatch or into the water |
5 | |
勇敢狐獴 TR3 Rikki-Tikki-Tavi |
可别被蛇咬了 Don't get bitten by snakes |
10 | |
尖物恐惧 TR3 Aichmophobia |
不要在印度的尖刺墙和天花板上受伤 Do not take damage from the spiked walls and ceilings in India |
10 | |
猴庙 TR3 Monkey Temple |
请选择正确的道路,不要用你的四轮摩托车撞击猴群 Choose the right road, but don't hit the monkeys with your quad bike |
10 | |
耍蛇戏法 TR3 Snake Charming |
在迦梨耶洞穴关卡中找到所有的眼镜蛇 Find all cobras in the Caves of Kaliya level |
5 | |
黑天 TR3 Crushin' Krishna |
使用榴弹发射器击败托尼(在全新游戏中) Defeat Tony using grenade launcher (on New Game) |
30 | |
两栖女子 TR3 Amphibian Woman |
一口气打开所有的横杆进入水锁控制室 Get into the water lock control room by opening all the levers in one breath |
5 | |
迷失的灵魂得以宽恕 TR3 Lost Souls Are Forgiven |
不要杀死筑坝工人 Kill no dam workers |
10 | |
不善交际 TR3 I'm Not Very Sociable |
在增援到来前干掉守卫 Eliminate the MP guard before he lets backup in |
5 | |
地狱之主 TR3 Limbo Master |
在不关闭炮塔的情况下,不让它瞄准你 Don't let the turret lasers lock on to you, but don't turn them off either |
10 | |
足智多谋的辩护家 TR3 Resourceful Attorney |
让所有的囚犯存活 Keep all the prisoners alive |
10 | |
致命快感 TR3 The Quick and the Dead |
不要让守卫触碰掌纹扫描仪 Do not allow guards to touch the handprint scanners |
5 | |
信念永存 TR3 I Want to Believe |
在水塔上进行倒立动作 Do a handstand on a watch tower |
5 | |
人鱼童话 TR3 Free Willy |
与虎鲸同游 Swim with orcas |
5 | |
侧翼进攻 TR3 From the Flanks |
在没有走私者之钥的情况下,携带着蛇纹石到达食人族村庄 Get to the cannibal village without the Smuggler's key, but with the Serpent Stones |
20 | |
一马当先 TR3 In the Forefront |
使用走私者的钥匙而不是蛇纹石到达食人族村庄 Break into the cannibal village using Smuggler's key, not Serpent Stones |
20 | |
天真无邪 TR3 Like a Naive Child |
你怎么会掉入这么简单的陷阱? How could you fall into such a simple trap? |
5 | |
蛙跳 TR3 Frog Jumps |
在20秒内穿越沼泽 Cross the swamp in less than 20 seconds |
10 | |
量少却精 TR3 It’s Not Much, but It’s Nice |
在有致命漏斗的洞穴里获得奖励 Get your prize in the cave with deadly funnel |
15 | |
火力支援 TR3 Fire Support |
让幸存的士兵干掉霸王龙 Let the surviving soldier finish off the T-Rex |
10 | |
荒野教练 TR3 Wilderness Instructor |
帮助所有士兵渡过难关 Help all the soldiers survive the trouble |
30 | |
化石陷阱 TR3 Fossil Trap |
将迅猛龙引诱到深洞中 Manage to lure the velociraptor into a deep hole |
10 | |
生死狂澜 TR3 Deliverance |
使用舱口后面的皮划艇完成马都布峡谷 Finish Madubu Gorge using the kayak behind the hatch |
10 | |
好奇心的俘虏 TR3 Captive to Curiosity |
乘坐由鳄鱼守护的皮划艇完成马都布峡谷 Finish Madubu Gorge using the kayak guarded by crocodiles |
10 | |
没时间滑旱冰 TR3 No Time to Rollerblade |
利用滚动冰刀在40秒内通过坡道 Pass through ramp with rolling blades in 40 seconds or less |
15 | |
未知死亡 TR3 Faceless Death |
在不杀死任何奥拉斯的情况下击败普那 Defeat Puna without killing any oras |
30 | |
我只是个本地人 TR3 I’m Just a Local |
在1分钟内完成泰晤士河畔的码头关卡 Finish Thames Wharf level in less than 1 minute |
20 | |
照相结束 TR3 Photo Finish |
赶在该死之人前到达维修室 Run into the maintenance room before the Damned does |
60 | |
火箭科技 TR3 Rocket Science |
找到两个隐藏的火箭 Find two hidden rockets |
10 | |
水下车库 TR3 Underwater Garage |
找到并使用所有的UPV Find and use all UPVs |
5 | |
寂静的世界 TR3 The Silent World |
使用UPV鱼叉击败水肺潜水员 Use UPV harpoons to defeat the scuba divers |
10 | |
变种人 TR3 Brundlefly |
在被毁的科考站找到变异科学家 Find the mutated scientist in the destroyed station |
5 | |
谁在那儿? TR3 Who Goes There? |
在单次冒险中,使手持火焰喷射器的守卫遭遇七个变种人 Make flamethrower guards meet seven mutants in one walkthrough |
10 | |
虫害防治 TR3 Pest Control |
解决RX矿场的变种人问题 Solve that mutant problem in RX-Tech Mines |
5 | |
经验之谈 TR3 By Experience |
在与三个天诺变种人同处一室的情况下,使用劳拉的手枪毫发无损地存活下来 Survive the room with three Tinnos mutants without taking damage and using only Lara's pistols |
25 | |
无条件的节奏感 TR3 Unconditional Sense of Rhythm |
在不使用横杆的情况下,在火焰之屋获得海洋面具 Obtain Oceanic Mask in the fire room without using a lever |
10 | |
飘 TR3 Gone With the Wind |
在空气之屋中获得所有可收集的道具 Get every collectable item in the air room |
5 | |
深海 TR3 The Deep |
在流水之屋获得药包 Get medipack in the water room |
10 | |
万事俱备 TR3 Largest Assortment |
在遭遇最后一个Boss之前获得所有可用武器 Obtain all available weapons before final boss |
30 | |
到直升机上去! TR3 Get to the Choppa! |
在背包中没有神器的情况下到达停机坪门口 Reach helipad gates with no artifacts in your backpack |
25 | |
永恒水晶 TR3 Crystals Are Forever |
在单次冒险中收集所有95件水晶 Collect all 95 crystals in one walkthrough |
50 | |
冒险愈加困难 TR3 The Adventures Are Getting Harder |
在新游戏+中完成游戏 Beat the game on New Game+ |
50 | |
冷峻至极,难以置信 TR3 Incredibly Hard Boiled |
只用劳拉的手枪完成游戏 Beat the game using only Lara's pistols |
50 |
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
所以有第五个… TR3 So There Was A Fifth... |
完成失落的神器 Finish The Lost Artifact |
10 | |
苏格兰手稿 TR3 Codex of Scotland |
收集所有苏格兰关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in Scotland levels |
30 | |
隧道手稿 TR3 Codex of Tunnel |
收集所有隧道关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in Tunnel levels |
30 | |
法国手稿 TR3 Codex of France |
收集所有法国关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in France levels |
30 | |
缴械的威拉德 TR3 Willard’s Disarming |
在苏格兰高地舞中获得所有可用武器 Get all available weapons in Highland Fling |
15 | |
动物的特殊形态 TR3 Extraordinary Form of Animal |
揭开尼斯湖水怪之迷 Unravel the secret of Nessie |
10 | |
天堂快车 TR3 Heaven Express |
不要让狗活超过半秒 Don't let the dog live longer than half a second |
5 | |
他做得很好 TR3 He Is Doing Swell |
纪念威拉德的祖先 Honor the memory of Willard's ancestor |
10 | |
地下水池 TR3 Underground Pool |
让地牢里所有的巨石都滚动起来 Make all boulders roll in the dungeon |
5 | |
放弃希望 TR3 Abandon Hope |
通过带刺的天花板进入威拉德的藏身处 Enter Willard's hideout through the spiked ceilings |
5 | |
不要放弃希望 TR3 Do Not Abandon Hope |
不要放弃希望 Enter Willard's hideout through the back door |
5 | |
巨石阵的出路 TR3 Callanish Way Out |
通过秘密通道到达直升机 Get to the helicopter through the secret passageway |
10 | |
我来,我见,我征服 TR3 Veni, Vidi, Tulit |
别错过监狱里的药包 Don't miss that medipack behind bars |
5 | |
斯蒂芬森火箭 TR3 Stephenson's Rocket |
把火箭发射器放到隧道里 Get rocket launcher in the tunnel |
5 | |
胶囊管道 TR3 Capsule Pipelines |
利用四轮摩托车在39秒内从失控的火车上撤离 Get on a quad bike and then get off it on top of a wrecked train in 39 seconds or less |
25 | |
该考古学家上场了 TR3 Now It’s a Job for Archaeologists |
击败四种史前生物 Defeat four prehistoric creatures |
10 | |
怪物公司 TR3 Monsters, SLInc. |
在不受伤的情况下击败四只鱼类突变体 Defeat four fish mutants without being hurt |
10 | |
又解一谜 TR3 Another Mystery Solved |
探索 U-740 潜艇 Explore the U-740 submarine |
30 | |
掠袭者星球 TR3 Planet of the Raids |
不要让猴子触摸任何道具 Don't let monkeys touch any of the items |
10 | |
寻血猎犬 TR3 Bloodhound |
获得隐藏的高地火箭、威拉德的鱼叉、莎士比亚枪榴弹、催眠乌兹枪弹夹、狂鹰弹夹和留尼旺大药包 Get Fling rockets, Lair harpoons, Cliff grenades, Sleeping Uzi clips, Mad Eagle clips, Reunion medi |
30 | |
下辈子吧! TR3 In Your Next Life! |
击败索菲亚·莉 Defeat Sophia Lee |
15 |