发表时间:2020/02/07 00:00:00 来源:“ZZer”转载 作者:makeal 浏览次数:1957
曾经的世界纪录,《古墓丽影3:劳拉的冒险》不间断(SS)无条件(Any%)全秘点(Secrets)竞速通关视频。作者:makeal(法国),通关完成时间:1小时40分56秒(RTA 1小时42分57秒),录制时间:2019年5月5日,录制平台:PC。完整竞速通关世界记录可访问:http://www.speedrun.com/tomb_raider。
That PB took way more time to get than it should have, still a lot of time possible save, it's not really a good run but i'm done with it for now.
I got this doing it offline runs so there is no chat/inputs & no voice (and no fun :) ).
Hope you enjoy!