发表时间:2024/02/26 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ZZer 浏览次数:631
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
主演劳拉·克劳馥 Starring Lara Croft |
收集所有古墓丽影2奖杯 Collect all trophies in Tomb Raider II |
这些门正在等待 TR2 These Doors Are Waiting |
完成长城章节 Finish The Great Wall chapter |
卡拉维利路,威尼斯! TR2 | Via Caravelli, Venice! |
完成威尼斯章节 Finish Venice chapter |
我们正在寻找目标地。 TR Little Vacation Riot’s Over |
完成海上钻井平台和玛利娅·德娜号章节 Finish Offshore Rig and Maria Doria chapter |
劳拉踩灭雪人!! TR2 Lara Stamps Out Yeti!!! |
完成西藏章节 Finish Tibet chapter |
为马可·巴托利的罪孽和财富干杯! TR2 To the Sins and Fortunes of M. Bartoli! |
完成西安的庙宇章节 Finish Temple of Xian chapter |
我想我已经看够了 TR2 I Think I've Seen Enough |
完成温暖的家章节 Finish Home Sweet Home chapter |
我只对运动感兴趣!别动! TR2 I Only Play for Sport! Still! |
在不到6小时内完成游戏 Finish the game in less than 6 hours |
中国手稿 TR2 Codex of China |
收集所有长城,西藏和西安庙宇关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in The Great Wall Tibet and Temple of Xian levels |
意大利手稿 TR2 Codex of Italy |
收集所有威尼斯关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in Venice levels |
巴托利手稿 TR2 Codex of Bartoli |
收集所有海上平台关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in Offshore Rig levels |
玛丽亚号手稿 TR2 Codex of Maria Doria |
收集所有“玛利娅·德娜号”的残骸关卡的秘宝 Collect all secrets in Maria Doria levels |
准备突袭! TR2 Ready to Raid! |
在1分20秒或更短时间内完成训练课程 Finish the assault course in 1:20 or less |
送货员终于到了 TR2 Delivery People Have Finally Arrived |
查看你的宝库 Check out your treasury |
罪与罚 TR2 Crime and Punishment |
引诱管家进入冰箱,待他发出不利的声音时将他锁在那里 Lure the butler into the fridge wait for him to make a bad sound and lock him in there |
起重机潜水 TR2 Crane Dive |
从警卫室的顶部潜入湖中 Defeat the third Ruler of Atlantis |
我不是为了这个而爬墙的 TR2 I’m Not Climbing the Walls for This |
不使用壁架的同时,不要受到来自长城飞刀的伤害 Do not use the ledge but take no damage from the flying blades in The Great Wall |
灭绝既绝迹 TR2 Extinct Is Extinct |
在不留证据的情况下打败两只霸王龙 Defeat both T-Rexes with no evidence |
我可不是你带的游客 TR2 I’m Not Your Tourist |
不用船完成威尼斯关卡 Finish the Venice level without ever getting on a boat |
让我们备好马鞍 TR2 Let’s Saddle Up |
从尽可能高的地方跳进船 Jump into the boat from the highest height possible |
哪有时间对付瘟疫 TR2 No Time for the Plague |
别让老鼠咬到你 Don't let the rats bite you |
比《勇破太空城》还刺激 TR2 Cooler Than Moonraker |
从一艘船跳到另一艘船上,同时让第一艘船爆炸 Jump from a boat to another boat making the first one blow up on mines |
紧急出口 TR2 Emergency Exit |
在跳跃中利用你自己的身体打破任何窗户 Break any window with yourself in a jump |
花粉过敏 TR2 Pollen Allergy |
在巴托利的藏身处不要移动花朵箱子 Don't move the flower block in Bartoli's Hideout |
搬家也不会改变你是谁 TR2 Moving Doesn’t Change Who You Are |
在不移动吊灯的情况下获得图书馆钥匙 Obtain library key without moving chandeliers |
巴托利的藏身处 TR2 Bartoli Stash |
找到藏在船库的乌兹枪 Get hidden Uzis in the boathouse |
虎父无犬子 TR2 Like Father Like Son |
给詹尼·巴托利点个灯 Shine a light on Gianni Bartoli |
请尊重文化遗产 TR2 With Respect for Cultural Heritage |
只利用三块木板穿过歌剧院破损的屋顶 Cross the broken roof by dropping only three wooden panels in Opera House |
金匕首 TR2 Gold Digger |
在歌剧院首先获得金龙 Take the golden one before the rest of the secret dragons in Opera House |
击退巴托利的部下 TR2 Fight off the B's |
用你敌人的首字母打破所有窗户 Break all the windows with your enemy's initials |
轻而易举 TR2 Don’t Even Need to Wet My Feet |
在把枪放回海上钻井之前,不要靠近水面 Stay out of the water before you get your guns back in Offshore Rig |
匆匆忙忙 TR2 In a Rush |
不要从火灾区域附近的墙上拆除两个砌块中的任何一个 Do not remove either of the two blocks from the wall near the fire area |
情绪管理 TR2 Anger Management |
劳拉因为错过直升机而生气,所以在跳跃过程中自我引爆 Have Lara get so mad about missing the helicopter that she explodes in a jump |
真正的驱邪大战 TR2 The True Dettox of Evil |
在潜水区域找到隐藏的M16步枪 Get hidden M16 rifle in Diving Area |
如同凯撒 TR2 Like Caesar |
在背包里放一条金龙,一口气穿过水井 Go through the water shaft in one breath with a gold dragon in your backpack |
高度紧张 TR2 Nervous Wreck |
鱼跃潜入水中并一口气游到终点而不受伤害,以完成玛利亚号的残骸关卡 Finish Maria Doria level by swan diving and swimming to the end in one breath with no damage |
聚精会神 TR2 Attentiveness Rewarded |
不要进入有两个杠杆的房间,找到捷径在住宅区的蓝色管道上移动一个箱子 Find a shortcut to avoid room with two levers and moving a block on a blue duct in Living Quarters |
非必要行动 TR2 No Unnecessary Moves |
在不破坏地板的情况下,获得住宅区的黄金秘宝 Do not break the floor panel to get the gold secret in Living Quarters |
10/10 TR2 10/10 |
进行空翻跳水 Perform somersault dive into the water |
20/10 TR2 20/10 |
进行两次空翻跳水 Perform double somersault dive into the water |
今日无鱼汤 TR2 No Fish Soup Today |
不伤害鲨鱼,也不要让它们咬到你 Don't hurt the sharks but don't let them bite you either |
消防安全 TR2 Fire Safety |
找到每一个可能是敌人引燃的火焰并扑灭它们 Catch fire from every possible enemy and extinguish it in the water |
陆上漫步 TR2 A Land Walk |
在不进入地下湖的情况下,从充气筏上拿到船舱钥匙 Get the cabin key from the inflatable raft without swimming in the underground lake |
猫和老鼠 TR2 Who’s the Cat and Who’s the Mouse |
找到隐藏的雪豹 Find the hidden snow leopard |
藏式整骨疗法 TR2 Tibetan Osteopathy |
在西藏山麓的第一个洞穴里用背部击碎冰墙,并且成功存活下来 In the first cave of Tibetan Foothills break the ice wall with your back and survive |
公共服务 TR2 Public Service |
在不受伤的情况下,使所有西藏关卡的冰柱坠落 Drop all the icicles in the Tibetan levels without being hurt |
西藏快车 TR2 The Tibetan Express |
驾驶雪地摩托滑行到旁边的两个箱子 Slip next to the two blocks on the snowmobile |
环境友好 TR2 Eco-Friendly |
徒步征服西藏丘陵 Beat Tibetan Foothills on foot |
不期而至 TR2 An Unexpected Visit |
不使用高梯子进入修道院 Do not use the tall ladder to enter the monastery |
不择手段 TR2 The End Doesn't Justify the Means |
防止僧侣们被击倒 Prevent the monks from being killed |
循此苦旅,以达天际 TR2 Per Aspera Ad Astra |
用玉龙穿过障碍拿到活板门钥匙的同时自身没有受到伤害 Get through the obstacles to the trapdoor key with the jade dragon and no damage |
无上正等菩提 TR2 Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi |
在神秘的眼睛注视下点燃一束火炬 Light a flare in front of the mystical eyes |
我现在就要! TR2 And I Want It Now! |
随着雪球的移动,设法在25秒或更短的时间内拿到西藏面具 As the snowball moves manage to get the Tibetan Mask in 25 seconds or less |
雪球冠军 TR2 Snowballs Champion |
到达山顶后,在雪崩完全停止前返回到大门 Reach the top of the hill and make it back to the gate before the avalanche completely stops |
门铃响起 TR2 Recess Bell |
踩在滑动装置上不超过四次的情况下,按响第四个铃并到达梯子 Ring the fourth bell and reach the ladder stepping on the slides no more than four times |
可不要在这里滑倒 TR2 Better Not Slip Here |
照亮最深的鸿沟 Illuminate the deepest chasm |
到达隐秘地点获得补给的英雄 TR2 Hero of Reaching Unreachable Supplies |
获得隐秘地点的药包 Get unreachable medipack |
丝绸洞穴 TR2 Silk Cave |
在蜘蛛洞穴中只使用劳拉的枪支毫发无伤地清除蜘蛛 Clear the spider cave without a scratch using only Lara's guns |
惨败的主人 TR2 Wipeout Master |
在西安寺庙中通过四个摆动障碍物时不减速不受伤 Pass four swinging obstacles in Temple of Xian without slowing down and getting hurt |
众生平等 TR2 On Equal Terms |
把西安剑客全部消灭的同时,保证不在漂浮时伤害他们 Do not hurt Xian swordsmen while they are levitating but eliminate all of them |
别玩疯狂高尔夫 TR2 No Crazy Golf |
让绿色巨石留在原地 Let the green boulders stay where they are |
来自世界各地的纪念品 TR2 Souvenirs From Around the Globe |
在单次冒险中获得所有可收集的道具 Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough |
今日无烧烤 TR2 No Grill Today |
最终战斗中,在不被引燃的情况下,使龙向你喷火五次 Make the dragon breathe fire on you five times during the final battle but do not ignite |
真的!我想我已经看够了! TR2 I Really Think I've Seen Enough! |
使“黑色火焰”黑帮首领在最后的过场动画中出现 Make Fiamma Nera boss appear in the final cutscene |
翩翩起舞 TR2 Let’s Dance |
在音乐响起时击败舞厅中的所有敌人 Defeat all enemies in the ball room while music is on |
再次登台 TR2 Starring One More Time |
在新游戏+模式下通关游戏 Beat the game on New Game+ |
冷峻至极 TR2 Very Hard Boiled |
只用劳拉的手枪完成游戏 Beat the game using only Lara's pistols |
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
克劳馥同志 TR2 Comrade Croft |
完成梅尼柯夫岛章节 Finish Melnikov Island chapter |
那只是一场噩梦 TR2 That’s Just a Nightmare |
完成维加斯梦魇奖励关卡 Finish Nightmare in Vegas bonus level |
噩梦变得更糟了 TR2 The Nightmare Just Got Worse |
杀死两只霸王龙 Kill both T-Rexes |
淘金热潮 TR2 Gold Rush |
获得托纳萨克黄金面具 Obtain the Golden Mask of Tornarsuk |
梅尼柯夫手稿 TR2 Codex of Melnikov |
收集所有15个秘宝 Collect all 15 secrets |
资本积累 TR2 Capitalist Accumulation |
在第一关中获得隐藏的鱼叉枪、M16突击步枪、自动手枪和乌兹冲锋枪 Get hidden harpoon gun, M16, Automatic Pistols and Uzis in the first level |
三月飘雪 TR2 Snow March |
不驾驶雪地摩托完成前两个关卡 Finish first two levels without using snowmobiles |
祝你健康长寿! TR2 Na Zdorovye! |
不要激怒因纽特战士和他们的灵魂 Don't anger Inuit warriors or their spirits |
真正的共青团员 TR2 True Komsomol Member |
不要打破任何有锤子和镰刀图案的窗户 Don't break any hammer and sickle windows |
执行枪决 TR2 Ordered to Be Shot |
让拥有火焰喷射器的敌人没有时间使用他们的武器 Do not let flamethrower enemies have time to use their weapons |
谴责敌人 TR2 Denouncing the Enemy |
往小老鼠洞里扔个照明弹 Throw a flare into a small rat hole |
计划经济 TR2 Planned Economy |
在关卡开始50秒内获得托纳萨克的面具 From the start of the level get the Mask of Tornarsuk in less than 50 seconds |
解决财政赤字 TR2 Solve the Problem of Deficit |
在巨石滚下来之前拿起燃烧棒 Pick up that box of flares before the boulder rolls down |
我们终将超越你。我们将继续前行。 TR2 We’ll Surpass You. And We’ll Go Forward. |
利用滚动冰刀一口气穿过走廊且不受到伤害 Run through a corridor with a rolling blade without stopping and without taking damage |
你的证据是什么? TR2 Kakie Vashi Dokazatelstva? |
在不留下任何证据的情况下,击败两只北极熊 Defeat two polar bears without evidence |
防御能力 TR2 Defensive Capabilities |
不伤害鲶鱼,但也不能让它们咬到你 Don't hurt the catfish, but don't let them bite you either |
解散 TR2 The Dissolution |
破坏大漏斗上方所有破碎的地板 Break all shattered floor panels over big funnel |
合法镇压 TR2 Legitimate Repression |
把三个野人锁在起始的笼子里 Leave three sasquatches locked in the start cage |
打败资产阶级 TR2 Victory Over the Bourgeoisie |
在没有回头路的桥的另一边与王国守护者战斗 Fight Guardian of the Kingdom by staying with him on the other side of the bridge with no way back |
实施收获计划 TR2 Harvest Plan Implemented |
单次游戏中收集所有可收集物品 Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough |
祖国母亲的呼唤 TR2 The Motherland Calls |
在雕塑顶部进行倒立动作 Do a handstand on the top of the sculpture |
清醒梦境 TR2 Lucid Dream |
在你的噩梦中与王国的守护者于他所在的笼子进行战斗 In your nightmare fight the Guardian of the Kingdom in his own cage |
1980年夏季奥运会 TR2 1980 Summer Olympics |
在你的噩梦中进行双翻跟头来获得乌兹冲锋枪 In your nightmare perform double somersault to obtain Uzis |