发表时间:2022/12/31 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ZZer 浏览次数:1055
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
欢迎来我家 Welcome to My Home |
探索克劳馥庄园的每个房间 Explore every room in Croft Manor |
10 | |
狂奔! Dash! |
完成计时障碍训练 Complete the assault course |
10 | |
呜呜呜! Vrrrooooom! |
完成计时障碍训练,并在最后得到了劳拉的祝贺 Complete the assault course with Lara congratulating you at the end |
20 | |
戏水! Go for a Dip! |
跳入劳拉的游泳池 Dive into Lara's swimming pool |
10 | |
美景! Nice View! |
找到通往劳拉家顶层的秘密通道 Found a secret way to get to the top of Lara's house |
10 | |
冷藏! Frozen! |
把温斯顿锁在冷库里 Lock Winston in the freezer |
10 | |
钻石是女孩最好的朋友! Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend! (iOS独有) |
进入战利品存放密室 Enter the trophy room |
10 | |
嗜血 Bloodthirsty |
在不死亡或受到伤害的情况下杀死3个敌人 Kill 3 enemies without dying or taking damage |
10 | |
杂技演员 Acrobat |
在不死的情况下滑下斜坡,跳跃,在空中翻转并落地 Slide down a slope, jump, flip whilst in the air and land without dying |
10 | |
眩晕! Dizzy! |
燕式跳水并在空中进行两次翻转 Perform a swan dive and whilst in the air perform 2 flips |
10 | |
医生在吗? Is There a Doctor Here? |
使用3个小医疗包和1个大医疗包 Use 3 small medipacks and 1 large medipack |
10 | |
加速! Accelerated! |
在任意车辆上全速行驶10秒 Go at full speed on any vehicle for 10 seconds |
20 | |
啊哈! Aha! |
找到一个宝藏 Find a treasure |
10 | |
金光闪烁 Bright & Shiny |
找到10个宝藏 Find 10 treasures |
20 | |
金子! Gold! |
找到所有宝藏 Find all treasures |
50 | |
长距坠落 Long Drop |
让劳拉坠落并伴随3秒的尖叫 Make Lara fall off a ledge and have her screaming for 3 seconds |
50 | |
落水声! Splash! |
用燕式跳水进入水中 Perform a swan dive into water |
10 | |
火力! Firepower! |
用M16自动步枪杀死10个敌人 Kill 10 enemies with the M-16 |
10 | |
看起来很痛苦! That Looks Painful! |
用鱼叉枪杀死10个敌人 Kill 10 enemies with the Harpoon Gun |
10 | |
嘣! BOOM! |
用榴弹发射器杀死10个敌人 Kill 10 enemies with the Grenade Launcher |
10 | |
大范围攻击 Wide Shot |
用霰弹枪杀死10个敌人 Kill 10 enemies with the Shotgun |
10 | |
快速射击 Quick Burst |
用一对乌兹冲锋枪杀死10名敌人 Kill 10 enemies with the Dual Uzis |
10 | |
全自动! Full Auto! |
用自动手枪杀死10个敌人 Kill 10 enemies with the Automatic Pistols |
10 | |
我会永远用这些 I'll Use These Forever |
用双枪杀死50个敌人 Kill 50 enemies with the Dual Pistols |
20 | |
蓄势待发! Locked and Loaded! (iOS独有) |
仅使用双枪杀死游戏中的所有敌人 Kill every single enemy in the game using only the Dual Pistols |
50 | |
雪怪只是看起来凶 Yetis Only Look Fierce |
被雪怪砸在地上而死 Die by a Yeti smashing you against the ground |
20 | |
斩首 Decapitated |
被霸王龙咬掉头而死 Die by getting your head bitten off by the T-Rex |
10 | |
骨折! Fractured! |
弄断劳拉的脖子 Break Lara's neck |
10 | |
这是一只野兽! It's a Beast! |
杀死塔里昂守护者 Kill the Guardian of the Talion |
10 | |
你不能伤害我! You Can't Hurt Me! |
在不受伤的情况下杀死塔里昂守护者 Kill the Guardian of the Talion without getting hurt |
20 | |
那是一只大蜥蜴! That's One Big Lizard! |
杀死龙 Kill the Dragon |
20 | |
请不要烧我 Just Don't Burn Me Please |
在不被龙喷火烧到的情况下杀死它 Kill the Dragon without him breathing fire on you |
50 | |
神兽 Mythical Beasts |
在不受到伤害或使用任何医疗包的情况下杀死塔里昂守护者和龙 Kill the Guardian of the Talion and the Dragon without getting damaged or using any medipacks |
50 | |
蜘蛛恐惧症 Arachnophobia |
进入蜘蛛洞并在不杀死任何蜘蛛的情况下到达尽头 Enter the spider cave and get to the end without killing any spiders |
20 | |
8条腿的怪物 8 Legged Freaks |
进入蜘蛛洞并在不受到任何伤害的情况下杀死所有蜘蛛 Enter the spider cave and kill all the spiders without obtaining any damage |
20 | |
我在做噩梦! I'm Having a Nightmare! |
进入雪怪房间并在不被伤害或杀死任何雪人的情况下完成任务 Enter the Yeti room and complete it without getting damaged or killing any Yetis |
20 | |
怒吼! ROAR! |
进入雪怪房间并杀死所有雪怪而没有受到伤害 Enter the Yeti room and kill all Yetis without getting damaged |
20 | |
我叫你别挡道 I Told You to Get Out of My Way |
用雪地摩托车碾死一个敌人 Kill an enemy by running over it with the snowmobile |
10 | |
我以为失去你了! I Thought I Lost You! |
在不受到伤害的情况下找到“海上钻塔”关卡中的所有武器 Find all the weapons in Offshore Rig without getting damaged |
50 | |
着火了! It Burns! |
点燃劳拉并在她死前跳下悬崖 Set Lara on fire and jump of a cliff before she dies |
10 | |
自杀 Suicide |
刺穿劳拉5次 Impale Lara 5 times |
10 | |
不愉快的死亡 An Unpleasant Death |
点燃劳拉,并在燃烧时刺穿她 Set Lara on fire then impale her while she is still burning |
10 | |
美丽的中国 Beautiful China |
完成“中国”章节的所有关卡,且每个关卡在30分钟内通关 Complete every level in China, completing each level in under 30 minutes |
20 | |
我需要一条船 I Need a Boat |
完成“威利斯”章节的所有关卡,且每个关卡在30分钟内通关 Complete every level in Venice, completing each level in under 30 minutes |
20 | |
让我们畅游一下! Let's Take a Dip! |
完成“地中海”章节的所有关卡,且每个关卡在30分钟内通关 Complete every level based underwater, completing each level in under 30 minutes (including Offshore Rig) |
20 | |
好冷……太冷了! It's Cold... Too Cold! |
完成“西藏”章节的所有关卡,且每个关卡在30分钟内通关 Complete every level in Tibet, completing each level in under 30 minutes |
20 | |
你会让我睡觉吗? Will You Just Let Me Sleep? |
在不死的情况下杀死“家,甜蜜的家”关卡中的所有敌人 Kill all enemies in Home Sweet Home without dying |
20 | |
睡觉时间! Bed Time! |
在“家,甜蜜的家”关卡中让劳拉站在床上被杀死 Make Lara die whilst standing on the bed in Home Sweet Home |
10 | |
我们可以跳舞吗? Shall We Dance? |
在“家,甜蜜的家”关卡中进入舞厅,打开音乐并留在舞厅内杀死所有敌人 Whilst in Home Sweet Home, go into the ballroom, turn on the music and kill all enemies while remaining in the ballroom |
10 | |
你在哪里? Where are You? |
在“家,甜蜜的家”关卡中跑进迷宫并在迷宫中杀死所有敌人 Whilst in Home Sweet Home, run into the maze and kill all the enemies whilst running around the maze |
20 | |
我在这里很安全! I'll Be Safe in Here! |
在“家,甜蜜的家”关卡中将劳拉锁在自己的战利品存放密室里,这样敌人就无法接近她 During Home Sweet Home, lock yourself in Lara's trophy room so the guards can't get to her |
20 | |
你不觉得你看得够多了吗? Don't You Think You've Seen Enough? |
在5分钟内完成“家,甜蜜的家”关卡 Complete Home Sweet Home in under 5 minutes |
20 |