
发表时间:2019/01/15 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:critzB  浏览次数:3151  

  曾经的世界纪录,《古墓丽影2》不间断(SS)无条件(Any%)竞速通关视频,目前的世界记录。作者:critzB(英格兰),通关完成时间:51m 50s(RTA 52m 13s),录制时间:2018年12月30日,录制平台:PC。原视频网址:https://youtu.be/P-_Zvbs99vI,完整竞速通关请访问:https://www.speedrun.com/tomb_raider

Could have had 51 but Floater and HSH didn't go as planned. I will keep going for a 51 run
For more Tomb Raider Speedruns - https://www.speedrun.com/tomb_raider
If you are interested in running a Tomb Raider game feel free to join the Tomb Runner discord - https://discord.gg/011hZixyZfK5g61NL
There is normally someone around if you have any questions.
