
发表时间:2010/02/17 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:Shaun Friend  浏览次数:2691  


完成时间: 0:01:03.9 

作者: Shaun Friend.


I discovered a way to get around TR2's broken screen recorder support thanks to Hypercam, so I did this rerun simply to submit a MUCH better looking video. Along the way I also discovered a few quirks to the Assault Course, and seem to have sussed it out now (and have edited the tips to reflect that). Thanks to BallofSnow and Nate for helping work out the compression of the run and the Mikeuyama and the rest of the SDA staff for accepting this run, also thanks to FirebrandX and Shin Sato for helping me get this time with the help of their videos.

On the HQ video you might notice some liney crap on Lara (lower video quality helpfully hides them), this is a result of antialiasing, but I decided the visual improvement of having it turned on far outweighed this small problem. There's also a tiny green line in the top left corner (apparently some Hypercam thing), but it's barely noticeable.

Here's a breakdown of the important notes on each part (the things that may not come through on the video. In order obviously):

As long as your start is decently straight it doesn't seem to matter too much (E.G. it doesn't have to look PERFECT) the important part is that it is lined up towards the left/middle for the slope jump setup, of course you'll probably want to get it as straight as possible just to be sure.

The dive at the water also doesn't seem to matter, but as all the record videos I saw did that it's better to be safe :) .

The slope jump had me stuck for awhile, but I got it down good eventually. For optimal time you MUST jump from the top half of the lower block of the slope, though as long as your jumping is constant and you land in the right spot how straight the initial jump is doesn't matter (as shown in the video). The slope jump is still one of the toughest parts though and might take you quite a few attempts to master.

Despite how it may seem, this method of jumping from the bridge to the water is definitely the optimal one (standing jumps, entering the water as soon as possible etc are slower).

When you are swimming aim for the transition between the shallow blocks to start wading the fastest.

The ladder grab MUST be done so Lara's left foot is exactly at (or a few pixels off) the edge, this doesn't just make the climb left faster; it also speeds up the bit where Lara is "shifted" up. If you are visibly off to any degree you may as well forget about 1:03:9 and get back to the start to try again.

The zipline grab is done by angling left a certain way and holding walk at the same time then letting go of walk and pressing grab right as you stop, if you get it right you will instantly grab and not fall off.

You let go of the zipline somewhere around the far edge of the black block on the ground, it's pretty obvious when you get it right as you go flying right through the finish, so you shouldn't really have to press any other button after letting go of the zip but you may as well hold forward throughout to be safe.

This zipline trick has a quirk; the special release never works the first time the mansion is loaded, you have to have used the zipline at least once after loading the level before you can get a 1:03:9 (if you don't you will get a time of around 1:04:5-6, which shows how important it is).

As a final note, there is an annoying bug on the zipline where if you let go at the wrong time and bash your head on the archway action "breaks" and you have to reload the mansion before you can use it again, just a warning (in case you think your buttons just broke or something).

The slope jump, ladder grab and zipline grab are by far the most difficult parts, now I have more experience with it, I would rank the ladder grab as the hardest part, since it has to be so accurate.

So now you can go get it yourself with minimal pain ;) .
