
发表时间:2014/12/28 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:Jared Stevenson  浏览次数:3275  

原视频网址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xBFjw7Si_s(发布者:Jared Stevenson)

A Single Segment Glitchless Speedrun of Tomb Raider 2 done in 1:43:46.
Most of the route is quite similar to MMAN's run however i did a few different strategies and managed to beat his time by 10 seconds. So a big thanks to him for routing most of the run.
I was on 1:42:xx pace for most of the run but I ran into a few snags near the end. I think if I keep trying at some point I could manage a 1:42:xx or high 1:41:xx.
