发表时间:2024/02/17 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ZZer 浏览次数:796
Xbox系列(包含Xbox One、Xbox One X、Xbox One S三个版本)《古墓丽影1复刻版》《古墓丽影黄金版1:未竟的事业复刻版》成就及获取条件,总共99项1510成就点数,其中古墓丽影1共67项980成就点数,古墓丽影1黄金版共32项530成就点数。
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
未现世的夸洛佩克古墓 TR The Unfound Tomb of Qualopec |
完成秘鲁章节 Finished Peru chapter |
10 | |
他满怀仁慈地在天上注视着我们,蒂霍坎。 TR Look Over Us Kindly Tihocan |
完成希腊章节 Finished Greece chapter |
10 | |
混乱的短假期结束了 TR Little Vacation Riot’s Over |
完成埃及章节 Finish Egypt chapter |
10 | |
亚特兰蒂斯大灾变 TR The Cataclysm of Atlantis |
完成亚特兰蒂斯章节 Finish Atlantis chapter |
10 | |
秘鲁手稿 TR Codex of Peru |
找寻所有的秘鲁秘宝 Find all secrets in Peru |
30 | |
希腊手稿 TR Codex of Greece |
找寻所有的希腊秘宝 Find all secrets in Greece |
30 | |
埃及手稿 TR Codex of Egypt |
找寻所有的埃及秘宝 Find all secrets in Egypt |
30 | |
亚特兰蒂斯手稿 TR Codex of Atlantis |
找寻所有的亚特兰蒂斯秘宝 Find all secrets in Atlantis |
30 | |
还没到颁奖的时候! TR Not So Late for the Prize Giving! |
击败皮埃尔 Defeat Pierre |
5 | |
真是头疼! TR Pain in Your Brain! |
击败拉尔森 Defeat Larson |
5 | |
现在是私人恩怨! TR It’s Personal Now! |
击败牛仔 Defeat Cowboy |
5 | |
是啊,我在向你开火! TR Yes I’m Firing at You! |
击败滑板小子 Defeat Skater enemy |
5 | |
露齿一笑! TR Cheese! |
击败秃头男 Defeat Bald enemy |
5 | |
胆固醇的演化过程 TR Kind of Evolution on Steroids |
击败纳特拉的新品种 Defeat Natla's new breed |
15 | |
没错,我可以! TR Yes I Can! |
击败亚特兰蒂斯的第三统治者 Defeat the third Ruler of Atlantis |
15 | |
欢迎光临我的宅邸! TR Welcome to My Home! |
完成劳拉家的所有训练 Complete all exercises in Lara's Home |
5 | |
这是乌兹枪吗? TR Do Uzi This One? |
找到藏在埃及的乌兹枪 Get hidden Uzis in Egypt |
10 | |
笨蛋! TR Shell Sucker! |
使用霰弹枪击败秃头男 Defeat Bald enemy using shotgun |
5 | |
正中靶心! TR Bullseye! |
鱼跃而下,跳入被烈火包围的水洞中 Swan dive in a hole with water surrounded by fire |
5 | |
让他们感受一下风 TR Leave Them Sucking Wind |
在单次冒险中击败每一个可能出现的敌人 Defeat every possible enemy in one walkthrough |
30 | |
隐秘之门 TR Secret Door |
现在来这儿可不是时候。这扇门应该对你有用。 It's not right time to be here. There's a door for you. |
5 | |
墙角虫! TR You Corner Bug! |
在弥达斯宫殿获得难以到达位置的药包 Get unreachable medipack in Palace Midas |
10 | |
善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时候未到 TR Curses, Like Chickens, Come Home to Roost |
用纳特拉自己制造的武器击败她 Finish Natla with her own production guns |
5 | |
永别了! TR Au Revoir! |
用马格南手枪赶走皮埃尔 Make Pierre go away using magnums |
5 | |
迈达斯的触摸 TR Midas’ Touch |
变成黄金劳拉 Become golden Lara |
10 | |
我只对运动感兴趣! TR I Only Play for Sport! |
5小时内完成游戏 Finish game in less than 5 hours |
100 | |
最后期限 TR Deadline |
收集所有36种死亡方法 Find all 36 ways to die |
20 | |
奇袭而非杀戮 TR Raid Not Kill |
不要伤害霸王龙 Do not hurt T-Rex |
10 | |
霸王龙雷克斯 TR T-Rextint |
击败霸王龙 Defeat T-Rex |
5 | |
药物囤积者 TR Pharming Health |
在单次冒险中收集所有药包 Collect all medipacks in a single level |
10 | |
聪慧的女孩儿 TR Clever Girl |
在秘鲁别让迅猛龙咬到你 Don't let velociraptors bite you in Peru |
5 | |
妈,我好怕啊! TR Mummy I’m Scared! |
击败夸洛佩克的守护者之一 Make one of Qualopec's guardians fall down |
5 | |
我们死后,将会洪水滔天! TR After Us the Deluge! |
单次冒险中破环所有可破坏的地板 Make all shuttered floor panels crash on a single walkthrough |
50 | |
海妃萨拉西娅 TR So Salacia |
在海神之屋里,利用最后一口气从水里出来 Collect all medipacks in a single level |
5 | |
我不是大力神 TR I Am No Heracles |
在大力神之屋的巨石崩塌前,安全地爬上墙壁 Climb upside unharmed before boulder ends its way in Atlas' room |
5 | |
你真的是洛基 TR You Are Really Loki |
别被雷神之屋的雷劈到 Don't let thunder hit you in Thor's room |
5 | |
酒神的智慧 TR Dionysius’ Wisdom |
在战神之屋里,只被一把剑伤到 Let only one sword hurt you in Damocles' room |
5 | |
坚韧丽影 TR Hardy Raider |
不使用任何药包通关 Beat the game without using any medipacks |
100 | |
火爆劳拉 TR Tempered Lara |
熊熊燃烧,用水扑灭 Catch fire and put it out with water |
5 | |
冷峻无情 TR Hard Boiled |
只用劳拉的枪支完成游戏 Beat the game using only Lara's guns |
50 | |
贼不走空 TR Tomb Cleaner |
在单次冒险中获得所有可收集的物品 Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough |
50 | |
就如同1996年在主机上玩游戏一样 TR Play It Like You Did on a Console in 1996 |
在单次冒险中存档不超过86次 Save 86 times or less in a single walkthrough |
10 | |
谢利的安可曲 TR Shelley's Encore |
使劳拉在坠落时尖叫两次 Make Lara scream twice while falling |
5 | |
顶级掠食者 TR The Apex Predator |
在劳拉滞空时,打败一只狼 Defeat a wolf while you are both in the air |
15 | |
喂养猫咪 TR Pet This Cat |
在狮身人面像的面部进行倒立动作 Do a handstand on the Sphinxes face |
5 | |
与狼共舞 TR Dances With Wolves |
使11只狼在4个托尔特克战士面前聚集 Gather 11 wolves in front of 4 toltec warriors |
15 | |
再见,劳拉! TR Ave Lara! |
站在皇帝的包厢里,判处竞技场上10只动物死刑 Stand in emperor's box and sentence 10 animals on the arena to death |
15 | |
英雄配美人 TR Only the Brave Deserve the Fair |
从最高点鱼跃而下,俯冲至地面才能生存 Swan dive to the floor from a maximum height to stay alive |
5 | |
致命上膛 TR Lethal and Loaded |
在收集零件之前先找到霰弹猎枪 Find the shotgun before collecting any cogs |
5 | |
夸大威胁 TR Exaggerated Threat |
在不受伤的情况下拆除战神之屋的所有利剑 Defuse all swords in Damocles without being hurt |
10 | |
关于不思议的传说 TR On Incredible Tales |
让半身人马住在希腊吧 Let centaurs live in Greece |
5 | |
金刚的命运 TR Kong's Fate |
让竞技场的大猩猩死在尽可能高的地方 Make the gorilla from the arena die at the highest point possible |
10 | |
鳄鱼归来 TR Enter the Crocodile |
一口气在水下拿到6件道具 Take 6 items underwater in one breath |
5 | |
如同王子 TR Be Like Prince |
不要因为你的分身而受伤 Don't get hurt through your doppelganger |
5 | |
巩固材料 TR Consolidate the Material |
在新游戏+中完成游戏 Beat the game on New Game+ |
50 | |
索尔的怜悯 TR Thor’s Mercy |
在雷神之屋里,使石块落在你的头上 Let the block fall on your head in Thor's room |
5 | |
我才不会上当 TR I’m Not Falling for This Trick |
在不踩陷阱滑梯的情况下在纳特拉矿井中获得一个秘宝 Take a secret in Natla's Mines without stepping on trap slide |
5 | |
小心脚下 TR Watch Your Step |
在金字塔与水相接处,只踩一个方块的表面 Where the pyramid meets the water step on only one surface square |
10 | |
让你饱饱眼福! TR Feast Your Eyes on This! |
仔细查看数以吨计的黄金 Take a close look at tons of gold |
5 | |
愿他们在乌库·帕查安息 TR May They Rest in Ukhu Pacha |
仔细查看两个印加木乃伊 Take a close look at two incan mummies |
10 | |
维尔卡班巴竞技场 TR Circus of Vilcabamba |
看那些用后腿站立的熊们 Look at the bears standing on hind legs |
5 | |
为什么一定是蛇? TR Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? |
仔细查看那些蛇们 Take a close look at the snakes |
5 | |
风雨之神孔-根基-主神维拉科查 TR Kon-Tiqsi-Wiraqucha |
拿到黄金圣像后,从来时的入口全身而退 Go in to get the gold idol and exit through the same window |
5 | |
是时候了! TR It’s About Time! |
仔细查看所有古老的时间装置 Take a close look at all ancient time devices |
15 | |
引文 TR QTN |
站在所有三位统治者的宝座上 Stand on the thrones of all three rulers |
5 | |
这里有太多需要记住的东西 TR There’s So Much to Remember Here |
开启照片模式 Open Photo Mode |
5 | |
如同桃乐丝 TR Like Dorothy |
使用一个秘籍代码 Use a level skip cheat code |
10 |
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
喵呜 TR Miu |
完成猫之暗影关卡 Finish Shadow of the Cat levels |
10 | |
功成名就 TR Business Is Finished |
完成未竟的事业关卡 Finish Unfinished Business levels |
10 | |
猫神手稿 TR Codex of Cat |
找寻所有的埃及秘宝 Find all secrets in Egypt |
30 | |
孵化所手稿 TR Codex of Hive |
找寻所有的亚特兰蒂斯秘宝 Find all secrets in Atlantis |
30 | |
紧急撤离 TR Emergency Escape |
在不到5分钟内完成亚特兰帝斯要塞关卡 Finish Atlantean Stronghold level in less than 5 minutes |
30 | |
仙境的礼物 TR Gifts of Wonderland |
在单次冒险中获得所有可收集的物品 Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough |
100 | |
芭丝苔特藏匿处 TR Bastet’s Stash |
在重返埃及关卡中获得隐藏的乌兹枪弹药 Get hidden Uzi ammo in Return to Egypt level |
10 | |
拿起武器 TR To Arms |
获得亚特兰蒂斯关卡的所有武器 Get all weapons in Atlantis levels |
15 | |
让我们一起拉伸 TR Let’s Stretch Together |
在神庙前最高的猫神雕像附近进行倒立动作 Do a handstand near the highest cat statue in front of the temple |
5 | |
我该怎么得到它? TR How Do I Get It? |
将身子挤进去拿药包 Squeeze in for a medipack |
5 | |
开始翻滚吧! TR Roll Action! |
在单次冒险中使除一个以外的所有巨石滚动 Make all the boulders except that one roll in a single walkthrough |
45 | |
小心翼翼 TR On Tiptoes |
避免移动巨石,直到使用两个横杆中的任何一个穿过房间 Avoid triggering the boulders until using any of two levers across the room |
20 | |
不算太迟 TR Not Too Late |
在未竟的事业关卡中击败每一个亚特兰蒂斯生物 Defeat every atlantean creature in Unfinished Business levels |
30 | |
沉沦迷幻 TR Down the Rabbit Hole |
为向你眨眼的人做一个长距离的鱼跃而下动作 Make a long swan dive for someone who is winking at you |
5 | |
暗中独行 TR Alone in the Dark |
死在一个非常黑暗神秘的地方 Die in a very dark mysterious place |
15 | |
我不是个大头针 TR I’m Not a Pin |
跳过两个外面的巨石且不受伤 Jump over two boulders outside without taking damage |
5 | |
仿佛爱丽丝一样 TR Like Alice |
在夜空下聆听着最大的猫脸 Listen to the biggest cat face under the night sky |
5 | |
这应该陈列在博物馆里! TR That Belongs in a Museum! |
仔细查看这保存完好的埃及花瓶 Take a close look at the preserved egyptian vase |
5 | |
猫之诡诈 TR Cat’s Cunning |
在不移动两个相邻箱子的情况下,进入神庙 Enter the temple without moving two adjacent blocks |
30 | |
没有猫的视力 TR No Feline Vision |
把神庙里的照明都打开 Turn on the lights in the temple |
5 | |
推箱子 TR Sokoban |
获得所有的秘密道具,并在移动方块不超过24次的情况下,离开房间 Get all secret items and leave the room by moving the blocks no more than 24 times |
20 | |
陷阱 TR Pitfall |
活着离开陷阱房间 Get out of the trap room alive leaving it clear |
15 | |
施密特的飞跃 TR Schmitty’s Leap |
在高高的岩石上鱼跃而下来获取秘宝 Get the secret on the high rock by making a swan dive jump |
5 | |
鳄鱼摇滚 TR Crocodile Rock |
在不杀死任何一只鳄鱼的情况下获得所有道具 Get all items without killing any crocodiles there |
10 | |
精疲力尽 TR Exhausted |
把劳拉带到沙漠里,直到她生命的尽头 Take Lara so far into the desert that she dies |
5 | |
宾虚 TR Ben-Hur |
在竞技场中使用劳拉的手枪击败两个半身人马的同时,自身不受伤害 Defeat two centaurs in the arena using only Lara's pistols without taking damage |
10 | |
信仰之跃 TR Leap of Faith |
在亚特兰蒂斯要塞关卡里,鱼跃而下跳入洞中 Swan dive to the hole in the end of Atlantean Stronghold level |
10 | |
我眼中只有目标而无障碍 R I See Goals I Don’t See Obstacles |
不要使用滑行装置窃取孵化之所中唯一的密宝 Do not use slides to take the only secret in The Hive |
5 | |
幸运潜水员 TR Lucky Diver |
一口气收集11件水下道具 Collect eleven underwater items in one breath |
10 | |
不是到达这里的第一位丽影 TR Not the First Raider Here |
盯着劳拉在墙上的古老壁画5秒钟时间 Stare at Lara's ancient image on the wall for 5 seconds |
15 | |
死亡之爪 TR Jaws of Death |
在通往猫神壁画的路上,跳过主路上的三块巨石的同时,自身不受伤害 Jump over the three boulders on the center road on the way to the cat image without getting hurt |
10 | |
猫瞳背后 TR Behind Cat’s Eyes |
看看那些大眼睛们在隐藏什么 Check out what those big eyes are hiding |
5 |