
发表时间:2017/07/17 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:Simon  浏览次数:5482  

制作成员 —— 翻译:Leon  视频制作:军士   采访:陈君君

  西蒙(Simon)通过这套《古墓丽影:历史与地理(History & Geography in Tomb Raider)》系列视频神奇地将游戏与真实世界结合在一起,从现实世界出发,用真实与虚幻交织的画面重新演绎劳拉的冒险,让大家宛如置身其中,并不断用丰富、真实的历史史实解读着冒险中所见所闻,制作极为精湛。目前已经制作了两集,第一集解说可是劳拉第一代配音谢莉·布朗德(Shelley Blond),第二集则是古墓丽影社区偶像詹妮·米尔沃德(Jenni Milward)。本站目前已经完成了第一集的翻译,并对西蒙进行了采访,敬请期待第二集中文字幕版。

第一集 古墓丽影(1996)



  June: Do you mind introduce yourself and your purpose of making "History & Geography in Tomb Raider" series?

  My name's Simon and I'm a 21 year old history student from Germany. The subject of ancient history and Tomb Raider have been two integral parts of my life for as long as I can remember and I've always wanted to connect the two in some sort of video project. I'm a big fan of documentaries and have dabbled in amateur filmmaking and video editing for a few years now which ultimately resulted in History & Geography in Tomb Raider being born. The goal of the web-series is to offer a look into some of the truly fascinating lore of the franchise and fill possible plot holes as well as provide a more in-depth look at its historical and geographical elements while incorporating them into the games' respective narratives. 

  June: What are your resources of making those awesome videos? Do you have a team ? 

  My main source for video footage is YouTube. I go great lengths to find the right material to use and try to stay true to the vision I have. Finding suitable footage is easily the hardest part of producing these episodes as I have to work with what I can find. Images used are found all over the web as well as sent in by viewers and friends. I also use lots of fanart by some of the incredibly talented folks in the community. Being dependent on other peoples' creations and having to rely on footage that isn't yours is far from ideal but it's the only way a project like this can be realized without a budget. 

  The musical side of both available episodes consists of the copositions from Tomb Raider composers Nathan McCree and Peter Connelly as well as original scores composed entirely by the amazingly talented young composer Marlon "Additon" Witte who works with me very closely and is given complete creative freedom in his expression. 

  Animations such as the show's gorgeous intro as well as the map transitions are created entirely by TombRaiderForums user Zebra who animates them during an episode's production and sends them to me as soon as he's finished. 

  The voice-over for the first episode was obviously done by the magnificent Shelley Blond who was an absolute pleasure to work with and delivered the best possible narration I could've hoped for. Ash Kaprielov from Tomb of Ash was kind enough to introduce me to Shelley and asked her if she was interested in narrating the first episode to which she said yes! For the second episode Tomb Raider community icon Jenni Milward took her place and provided another just as fantastic voice-over. She was also kind enough to go over the script for me and fix some issues to make it sound more natural. 

  June: What is the general process like ? 

  Production of an episode works as follows: I take a few weeks to do some basic research on geographical areas featured in the game, as well as their respective historical periods relevant to the story. Then I start writing the script while filling in certain sections with more in-depth historical information until I am happy with the balance of narrative and lore. After that, I forward the script to the voice actress. While it is being recorded, I work on the score with Marlon and start doing some basic video editing and gathering video footage to use. After receiving all the files I need and checking back with the creators to make sure everything is complete, I finish up editing and prepare the release.

  June: What is your future plan?

  I hope to release two episodes of H&GiTR a year, covering every main Tomb Raider game up to Rise of the Tomb Raider. I would also like to improve the quality of upcoming episodes in terms of editing and pacing to make them a tad more professional and cinematic looking. 
