发表时间:2023/01/28 00:00:00 来源:“ZZer”汇编 作者:网络(作者不详) 浏览次数:1446
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 奖杯 |
苦难圣杯 Chalice of Torment |
获得所有奖盃(PS4独有) Earn all Trophies |
完成者 Completionist |
达到100%完成进度 Reach 100% completion |
古墓丽影 Tomb Raider |
完成主游戏的所有古墓挑战 Complete all Challenge Tombs in the main campaign |
邻里和睦 Help thy Neighbor |
完成1个支线任务 Complete a Side Mission |
考古学家 Archeologist |
完成1个文物收藏 Complete an Artifact Collection |
生存本能 Survival Instincts |
打败美洲豹后 Defeat the Empress Jaguar |
神射手 Marksman |
用弓箭完成20次爆头 Perform 20 headshots with the bow |
第一滴血 First Blood |
从泥墙边暗杀1名敌人 Perform a Stealth Takedown from a mud-covered wall |
不速之客 Unwelcome Guests |
驱赶库阿克雅库外面的盗匪 Get rid of the pillagers outside of Kuwaq Yaku |
越狱风云 I Believe Hakan Fly |
从异教团手中解救哈坎 Rescue Hakan from the cultists |
全心全意 Hearts and Minds |
取回曼科的项鍊 Retrieve Manko's Necklace |
忙个不停 On the Go |
制作特殊弹药50次 Craft special ammunition 50 times |
值得注意 Point of Interest |
从村民处获知5处有意思的地点 Learn of 5 interesting locations from civilians |
感恩节 Thanksgiving |
用闪光弹射杀1只火鸡 Shoot a turkey with a Flare Round |
更好的装备 Better Equipped |
获得3件装备 Get 3 pieces of equipment |
星辰之路 Path of the Stars |
破解星辰之路 Decipher the Path of the Stars |
亡灵节 Día de Muertos |
拿走月亮神庙的匕首 Remove the dagger from the Temple of the Moon |
灾难配方 Recipe for Disaster |
在洪流中生还 Survive the flood |
隐秘之城 The Hidden City |
寻找帕依提提 Find Paititi |
生命之火 Fire of Life |
进入生命神庙的内部房间 Enter the Temple of Life's inner chamber |
传奇猎人 Legendary Hunter |
狩猎5只稀有动物 Hunt and loot 5 rare animals |
地下世界 The Underworld |
活着离开天然井 Get out of the Cenotes alive |
亲情 Family Ties |
将乌努拉图从监牢中救出 Free Unuratu from prison |
巨蛇之心 Heart of the Serpent |
寻找圣胡安传教所 Find the Mission of San Juan |
天选之人 The Chosen One |
找出伊希切尔银匣 Find the Silver Box of Ix Chel |
重头开始 Back to Where We Started |
返回帕依提提 Return to Paititi |
被诅咒的皇后 Queen of the Damned |
与意外的对象结盟 Make an unlikely ally |
非比寻常的冒险 Quite the Adventure |
完成主线故事情节 Finish the main storyline |
手到擒来 Smart and Resourceful |
以手到擒来难度完成《古墓丽影:暗影》 Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Smart and Resourceful difficulty |
成长之路 Rite of Passage |
以成长之路难度完成《古墓丽影:暗影》 Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Rite of Passage difficulty |
雨林求生 One with the Jungle |
以雨林求生难度完成《古墓丽影:暗影》 Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on One with the Jungle difficulty |
走火入魔 Deadly Obsession |
以走火入魔难度完成《古墓丽影:暗影》 Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Deadly Obsession difficulty |
无尽财富 Untold Riches |
收集40份黄金矿石 Gather 40 gold ore |
刀剑无情 That's a Knife! |
完全升级匕首 Fully upgrade the knife |
动物学家 Zoologist |
收集20只小动物 Collect 20 critters |
寻宝者 Treasure Hunter |
在主游戏中找到并打开所有的征服者宝箱 Find and open all the Conquistador treasure chests |
祭坛猎人 Stele Hunter |
在主游戏中完成3个古墓挑战 Complete 3 Challenge Tombs |
帽子戏法 Chain Gang |
发动巨蛇之怒3次 Perform the Serpent's Fury 3 times |
如影随形 Like a Shadow |
暗杀25名敌人 Stealth takedown 25 enemies |
精心打扮 To the Nines |
修复并装备1套传奇装束 Restore and equip a matching vestige outfit |
临时兵工厂 Makeshift Arsenal |
完全升级1件武器 Fully upgrade a weapon |
迎接挑战 Up to the Challenge |
完成5个挑战 Complete 5 Challenges |
2 |
长眠之地 Resting Places |
在主游戏中揭开3座墓穴的秘密 Uncover 3 Crypts' secrets |
穿针引线 Thread the Past |
修复5件传奇装束碎片 Restore 5 vestige outfit pieces |
活雷锋 Good Samaritan |
完成8个非主线任务 Complete 8 Side Missions |
突袭! Surprise! |
执行5次猎鹰之爪击杀 Perform 5 Eagle's Talon takedowns |
第一步 First Steps |
购买1个技能 Purchase a Skill |
专精 Specialized |
获得1个类别下的所有技能 Earn all Skills in one category |
询价 Asking Price |
与商人交易1件物品 Buy an item from a merchant |
克劳馥博士 Dr. Croft |
完成所有古文物收藏 Complete all Artifact Collections |
扭转局势 Tables Turned |
杀死5个在搜寻劳拉的敌人 Kill 5 enemies while they are searching for Lara |
看那边! Look, Over There! |
杀掉3个转移注意力的敌人 Kill 3 enemies while they are distracted |
友军击杀 Total Party Kill |
利用友军击杀消灭5名敌人 Kill 5 enemies with friendly fire |
玩火 Playing with Fire |
同时点燃2名敌人 Burn 2 enemies simultaneously |
快枪手 Gunslinger |
使用手枪在3秒内进行3次爆头击杀 Perform 3 headshots in 3 seconds with the pistol |
最后方位 Last Known Position |
甩掉敌人10次 Lose the enemy 10 times |
传说中的猛兽 Beast of Legend |
打败纳瓦人 Defeat the Nahual |
第六感 Sixth Sense |
在察觉力药生效时猎捕并杀死10名敌人 Hunt and kill 10 enemies while Perception is active |
此时此刻 In the Moment |
在专注药效期间击杀10个敌人 Kill 10 enemies while Focus is active |
坚韧不屈 Made to Endure |
在坚忍不拔期间击杀10个敌人 Takedown 10 enemies while Endurance is active |
羊驼之友 Como Te Llama |
抚摸5只羊驼 Pet 5 llamas |
考古学家Underwater Archeologist |
收集5个水下古文物 Collect 5 underwater Artifacts |
过去的宝藏 Treasures from the Past |
破解1座独石碑 Decipher a Monolith |
新高峰 New Heights |
用找到的边沿攀爬装备完成石壁攀爬 Complete a climb after finding the Overhang Climbing Gear |
锻炉 The Forge DLC
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 奖杯 |
命运试炼通过 Destiny's Trialed |
完成命运锻炉古墓挑战 Complete the Forge of Destiny Challenge Tomb |
后嗣降临 Heir Born |
完成过往回音支线任务并发现艾比的血脉起源 Complete the Echoes of the Past Side Mission and discover Abby’s ancient origins |
血边战士 Bleeding Edge |
获得掷弹兵技能,同时装备“暴徒 3-80 - 鬼影”武器和“布罗肯 - 鬼影装束 Obtain the Grenadier Skill, equip the Umbrage 3-80 Shade weapon, and Brocken Shadow outfit |
急速回音 Echoes of the Fast |
在命运锻造古墓挑战中进行计时挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Time Attack for the Forge of Destiny Challenge Tomb |
怒火回音 Echoes of the Furious |
在命运锻炉古墓挑战中进行得分挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Score Attack for the Forge of Destiny Challenge Tomb |
支柱 The Pillar DLC
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 奖杯 |
轻松完成 That Was A Breeze |
完成“乌拉坎之路”古墓挑战 Complete the Path of Huracan Challenge Tomb |
随波逐流 Go With The Flow |
完成“纪元开创者”支线任务 Complete The Age Makers Side Mission |
风暴之眼 Eyes Of The Storm |
获得千里眼技能,同时装备"誓约之弓 - 永恒守护"和"辛奇·奇卡战袍 - 荣誉卫士" Obtain A Thousand Eyes skill, equip elite versions of Oathtaker's Bow and Sinchi Chiqa Battle Dress |
步似蝴蝶 Float Like A Butterfly |
在“乌拉坎之路”古墓挑战中进行计时挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver or Gold medal in Time Attack for the Path of Huracan Challenge Tomb |
拳如蜂蜇 Sting Like A Bee |
在“乌拉坎之路”古墓挑战中进行得分挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver or Gold medal in Score Attack for the Path of Huracan Challenge Tomb |
梦魇 The Nightmare DLC
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 奖杯 |
有样学样 Monkey Do |
完成“猴神音律”古墓挑战 Complete the Howl of the Monkey Gods Challenge Tomb |
心如止水 Harmony |
完成恐惧之路支线任务 Complete the Path of Fear Side Mission |
痛并快乐着 Creature Comforts |
获得苍白气息技能,同时装备“惊魂之爪 - 九阴白骨”和“女皇之肤 - 羽翼巨蛇” Obtain White Breath skill, equip Grip of Fear White Knuckle and Scales of Q Feathered Serpent |
仰天长啸 Howl Long |
在“猴神音律”古墓挑战中进行计时挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Time Attack for the Howl of the Monkey Gods Challenge Tomb |
街头艺人 Organ Grinder |
在“猴神音律”古墓挑战中进行得分挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver or Gold medal in Score Attack for the Howl of the Monkey Gods Challenge Tomb |
求生的代价 The Price of Survival DLC
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 奖杯 |
蘑菇主义 Mushroom With A View |
完成“第六封印”古墓挑战 Complete The Sixth Seal Challenge Tomb |
兄弟情 He Ain't Heavy |
完成“巨龙与王子”支线任务 Complete The Dragon and the Prince Side Mission |
衣锦还乡 Dressed For Success |
获得猛禽之眼技能,同时装备“沉默钉刺 - 毒蝎”和“猎杀者 - 精锐” Obtain the Raptor's Eye skill, equip the Silent Sting Scorpion weapon and Hunter's Array Apex outfit |
疯狂购物车 Go Cart |
在“第六封印”古墓挑战中进行计时挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Time Attack for the Sixth Seal Challenge Tomb |
册封 Cannonized |
在“第六封印”古墓挑战中进行得分挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Score Attack for the Sixth Seal Challenge Tomb |
蛇心 The Serpent's Heart DLC
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 奖杯 | 成就点数 |
水力发电 Hydro Power |
完成“弑神试炼”古墓挑战 Complete the Slayer's Gauntlet Challenge Tomb |
50 | ||
众人皆醉 Whole World Blind |
完成“双墓”支线任务 Complete the Two Graves Side Mission |
25 | ||
花多眼乱 Spoiled For Choice |
获得神之馈赠技能,装备“巨蛇之弓 - 弑神者”和“龙鳞 - 史诗” Obtain Divine Bounty skill, equip Serpent Lash Godslayer weapon and Dragon Scales Legend outfit |
10 | ||
激流勇进 Rapids |
在“弑神试炼”古墓挑战中进行计时挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Time Attack for the Slayer's Gauntlet Challenge Tomb |
5 | ||
临渊羡鱼 Go Fish |
在“弑神试炼”古墓挑战中进行得分挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Score Attack for the Slayer's Gauntlet Challenge Tomb |
5 |
凯门巨鳄 The Grand Caiman DLC
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 奖杯 | 成就点数 |
征服凯门鳄 Caiman Conquered |
完成“兹帕纳的渴求”古墓挑战 Complete the Zipacna's Craving Challenge Tomb |
50 | ||
跳跃的蜥蜴 Leaping Lizards |
完成“愤怒之神”支线任务 Complete The Wrathful God Side Mission |
25 | ||
蠢蠢欲动 Ready To Rumble |
获得火山喷发技能,同时装备“秘语灾劫 - 瘟疫”和“爬虫皮革 - 利维坦” Obtain the Volcano Skill, equip Whispering Scourge Pandemic weapon and Reptile Hide Leviathan outfit |
10 | ||
闭嘴 Zip It |
在“兹帕纳的渴求”古墓挑战中进行计时挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Time Attack for the Zipacna's Craving Challenge Tomb |
5 | ||
离岸统计 Offshore Count |
在“兹帕纳的渴求”古墓挑战中进行得分挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Score Attack for the Zipacna's Craving Challenge Tomb |
5 |
返乡之路 The Path Home DLC
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 奖杯 | 成就点数 |
完璧归赵 Put Herself Together |
完成“守护之母”古墓挑战 Complete the Mother Protector Challenge Tomb |
50 | ||
月光奏鸣曲 Moonlight Sonata |
完成“永恒赏赐”支线任务 Complete the Eternal Reward Side Mission |
25 | ||
老油条 Seasoned Pro |
完成所有7个剧情DLC并获得“剃发战士长袍” Complete all 7 downloadable content missions and receive the Tunic of the Shorn One |
25 | ||
月光骑士 Moonlit Knight |
获得魔法之触技能,同时装备“银色之击 - 月光”和“午夜守望者 - 先知” Obtain Magic Touch Skill, equip Silver Strike Moonbeam weapon and Midnight Sentinel Farseer outfit |
10 | ||
切尔的游戏 Chel Game |
在“守护之母”古墓挑战中进行计时挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Time Attack for the Mother Protector Challenge Tomb |
5 | ||
进击的查克 Chak Attack |
在“守护之母”古墓挑战中进行得分挑战,并获得铜奖、银奖或金奖 Obtain a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal in Score Attack for the Mother Protector Challenge Tomb |
5 |