我们的收藏家朋友马丁(Rodrigo Martin Santos)于昨日接受了水晶动力和西班牙索尼公司的邀请参与并体验了《古墓丽影:崛起——20周年纪念版》的新DLC游戏环节,今早本站记者和他取得联系后,他热情爽快的同意给本站相关报道的转载和翻译权,点击访问原网页。
在这次试玩过程中,我参与体验了DLC中以克劳馥庄园为主线的“血缘”和“坚韧模式”的双人版,我对“血缘”中的克劳馥庄园的探索感到非常意外,尤其是探索过程中会找到一些经典古墓丽影里面克劳馥庄园的影子和元素,这些都会让老玩家倍感亲切。 另外值得一提的是,玩家可以首次通过索尼的VR以第一视角来体验克劳馥庄园,这也是古墓丽影系列第一次尝试利用VR技术为玩家提供全新的游戏体验,我个人认为这是崛起20周年纪念版中的亮点。
感谢西班牙古墓丽影社区站长的亲临现场,同时也感谢水晶动力,Koch传播媒体和索尼公司在 Geographic俱乐部提供的晚宴,一切都很完美, 再次致谢!
Yesterday, August 24, 2016 I had the opportunity to attend a private pass for webmasters organized by Crystal Dynamics, Koch Media and Sony Spain to play Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 Year Celebration with the presence of Meagan Marie, Senior Community Manager at Crystal Dynamics. The 20th Anniversary Edition will include several exclusive content as the DLC´s "Blood Ties," "Lara's Nightmare" Endurance cooperative mode and several skins based on the classic Lara Croft of Core Design.In the event I had the opportunity to play the DLC "Blood Ties" that takes place in Croft Manor, and the Endurance mode. I convey my surprise regarding the DLC "Blood Ties" because the mansion of Lara Croft is loaded with easter eggs of classical references that I'm sure will delight all fans. On the other hand, and it is one of the great innovations is the PlayStation VR system through the virtual reality with his glasses takes you inside the mansion living an experience never seen before in the Tomb Raider franchise. It's really amazing what has been achieved with VR technology and in my opinion I think it is one of the key points of this release.
We have been dreaming with Croft Manor during this 20 years, visiting it in different games but this time really is as if we formed part of it on a virtual tour where you can almost touch and feel each element. You feel that everything is real.
I am very optimistic with the new elements added to the new version of the game where very rewarding way to highlight the content of "Blood Tines" and the PlayStation VR technology. Undoubtedly an unforgettable and essential experience.
I also thank the Spanish Community of Tomb Raider for his presence and charm in the event, as well as Crystal Dynamics, Koch Media and Sony for dinner at The Geographic Club. A perfect event. ¡Thanks!