
发表时间:2016/01/20 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:6060  

  今日官方公布《古墓丽影:崛起(Rise of the Tomb Raider)》第一款剧情扩展包《芭芭雅嘎:女巫神庙(Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch)》将于1月26日在Xbox平台发售,由于PC版是1月28日(Steam国区为1月29日)上线,暂时还不清楚《芭芭雅嘎:女巫神庙》是否会同步在PC平台上线。


  《芭芭雅嘎:女巫神庙》预计有三小时游戏长度,包含一座古墓挑战,并附送一套全新服饰和一把全新弓。玩家可以通过购买248元的豪华版《古墓丽影:崛起》获得此扩展包,而已经预订普通版《古墓丽影:崛起》的玩家需要购买88元季票(Season Pass)或单独购买。


  Deep in the wilds of Siberia, there is a forbidden forest that no man will enter, where a Soviet expedition vanished without a trace. Lara enters the Wicked Vale in search of a missing man, but what she finds is a nightmare that she cannot explain. Is the witch, Baba Yaga, truly haunting the forbidden forest? Or is there more to the legend? Featuring three hours of new gameplay, this adventure expands the story of the main campaign with Lara facing deadly new adversaries, exploring a new puzzle-filled tomb, and solving a decades old mystery, all culminating in a showdown with an ancient and mythic evil. Includes a new outfit, and a new bow.
