《古墓丽影:崛起》研发已完工 只待一个月后发售

发表时间:2015/10/10 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:Cassander  浏览次数:3328  


按照发售计划,这款会率先在Xbox One和Xbox 360平台发售的作品将于今年11月10日正式推出,也就是说现在距离其正式发售还有整整一个月时间。虽然一个月并不算长,但足够让微软搞定相应的发售工作并确保玩家能在游戏发售日时成功入手这部作品。

对于游戏的正式完工,制作方Crystal Dynamics负责人Darrell Gallagher还有一番感言:“在制作上一部作品(即《古墓丽影9》)时所有的制作人都切实地挑战了一下自己的极限,那款游戏也成功赢得了数百万玩家的青睐。《古墓丽影:崛起》作为《古墓丽影9》的续作,我们相信这款游戏能配得上昔日《古墓丽影9》的辉煌。如今游戏制作已正式告终,我们也期待着能和诸位一起踏上劳拉-克劳馥的这一段旅程。”

PC版《古墓丽影:崛起》将在明年年初发售,而PS4版发售时间则是明年年底。最后则为大家带来一段由音乐人Bobby Tahouri(曾为《权力的游戏》《钢铁侠》编曲)操刀制作的《古墓丽影:崛起》主题音乐,气势磅礴,不可错过。



Rise of the Tomb Raider has Gone Gold

Rise of the Tomb Raider has gone gold on Xbox One and Xbox 360, and is now ready to launch on November 10th.

“We are pleased to confirm that gamers will be able to get their hands on Rise of the Tomb Raider very soon, when the game launches on November 10th,” said Darrell Gallagher, Head of Product Development and Western Studios. “The entire team challenged themselves to improve on the last game that millions of fans enjoyed so much, and we believe we have created a worthy sequel to Tomb Raider 2013. With the game development now complete we are excited to share this incredible next chapter in Lara’s journey as she continues her growth into the ultimate action adventure icon, and accepts her destiny to become the Tomb Raider.”

With bigger, more deadly tombs, improved player choice in combat, an evolved survival ecosystem, and newly-unveiled LIVE experience, Rise of the Tomb Raider launches on November 10th (Americas & Asia), November 12th (Japan), and November 13th (EMEA) for the Xbox One & Xbox 360. There are several ways for you to get your hands on the game, including digital download, the exclusive Rise of the Tomb Raider Collector’s Edition, and the Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox One bundle.
