
发表时间:2014/08/13 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:2487  

2014年8月12日,水晶动力主管达雷尔·加拉赫(Darrell Gallagher)在2014德国科隆游戏展(GamesCom)的Xbox游戏发布会上宣布,《古墓丽影10:崛起》将为 Xbox 独占(EXCLUSIVELY ON XBOX),作为历代都为全平台发售的古墓丽影系列,此消息无疑是一个重磅炸弹。虽然古墓丽影官方一直与微软合作频繁,也曾推出过Xbox独占版的《古墓丽影8:劳拉之影》和《古墓丽影8:灰烬之下》两个资料片,但抛弃销量远远大于Xbox平台的PS和PC平台并非明智之举。目前的猜测很多,无论是因为史克威尔艾尼克斯与索尼之间的恩怨还是微软的利诱,又或是其他什么原因,这一决定无疑都是基于游戏公司的利益而不是玩家,相信独占的古墓丽影击碎的不光是玩家的钱包,还包括玩家的心——至少是部分玩家的心。当然,目前的消息并不明确,官方用“EXCLUSIVELY ON XBOX”而不是“ONLY ON XBOX”,本站认为多半会是限时独占的方式(即首先在Xbox平台发售,待一段时间后陆续在其他平台上推出)而不是永久独占,2010年8月在Xbox Live商场发售的《劳拉与光之守护者》就比其他平台提前了一个多月。所以,虽然官方多少伤害了玩家的感情,但或许只是一时的宣传,非Xbox平台玩家尽可多关注后续报道。



Dear Tomb Raider Community,

As you may have seen, we’ve just announced that Rise of the Tomb Raider, coming Holiday 2015, is exclusively on Xbox. We consider all of you to be the lifeblood of Tomb Raider and the work we do at Crystal. I’d like to give you some insight into this decision, and why we feel this is the very best thing for the Tomb Raider sequel we’re creating at the studio.

Tomb Raider in 2013 was a success due in large part to your continued support. Our goal has always been to deliver something truly special with Rise of the Tomb Raider. Today’s announcement with Microsoft is one step to help us put Tomb Raider on top of action adventure gaming. Our friends at Microsoft have always seen huge potential in Tomb Raider and have believed in our vision since our first unveil with them on their stage at E3 2011. We know they will get behind this game more than any support we have had from them in the past - we believe this will be a step to really forging the Tomb Raider brand as one of the biggest in gaming, with the help, belief and backing of a major partner like Microsoft.

This doesn’t mean that we’re walking away from our fans who only play on PlayStation or on PC. Those are great systems, with great partners, and amazing communities. We have Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris coming to those platforms this December, and Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition is available on PS4.

We know that there are probably many more questions and concerns. Please do send them to us, and we’ll answer to the best of our ability. Meanwhile we’re going all out to try and make something truly special - the most ambitious Tomb Raider game ever built.


Darrell Gallagher

Crystal Dynamics Head of Studios
