古墓丽影官方正式邀请全球Coser7月11日上午10点在美国圣地亚哥曼彻斯特圣迭戈君悦酒店(Manchester Grand Hyatt)参加圣地亚哥动漫展SDCC(2015)Xbox Lounge。其实官方并不限于古墓丽影cosplay,参与者还可以参与官方的其他活动,详见下方原文。
Lara Croft Cosplay Gathering at SDCC 2015
Calling all Crofts! We’re celebrating the road to Rise of the Tomb Raider’s launch by bringing together Croft cosplayers from around the world at San Diego Comic Con 2015.
In addition to receiving exclusive swag, cosplayers will be eligible to participate in a full day of activities, including a demo of Rise of the Tomb Raider, priority access to autograph sessions, photo booth activities, and a thematic evening photoshoot with one of our talented photographers. A full schedule of activities will be broken down the morning of the event, so mark your calendars!
We welcome all Lara Croft and Tomb Raider cosplayers to participate in our celebration – any character from any game. Convention badges won’t be necessary for cosplayers participating in Xbox Lounge activities, but will be required for any potential events inside the convention center. Please review SDCC weapon and prop policy prior to attending the show.
If you’d like some help constructing a new Rise of the Tomb Raider costume, we’ve got some great tips from fellow Croft cosplayers at the end of this video above.
RSVP here and let us know what ensemble you’re bringing to the show!