发表时间:2023/01/24 00:00:00 来源:古墓丽影网站 作者:ZZer 浏览次数:1088
全局成就 Global Achievements
图标 | 成就名称 | 获取条件 | 成就点数 |
运动天赋 Athleticism |
一次逃亡过程中完成20个跑酷动作。 Execute 20 parkour moves in one run. |
2 Gems | |
决心 Determination |
一次逃亡过程中到达了两次Boss战区域。 Reach the boss battle 2 times in one run. |
4 Gems | |
雷管 Detonator |
射炸250个爆炸桶。 Shoot 250 exploding barrels. |
5 Gems | |
军火库 Arsenal |
购买5把武器。 Purchase 5 secondary weapons. |
10 Gems | |
永不投降! Never Surrender! |
复活50次。 Resurrect 50 times. |
10 Gems | |
重力 Gravity |
下坠时间合计达到300秒。 Fall a total of 300 seconds. |
3 Gems | |
帽子戏法 Hat Trick |
一枪至少杀死三个敌人。 Kill at least three enemies with one shot. |
15 Gems | |
落井下石 Insult to Injury |
射击一个已死的敌人。 Shoot a dead enemy. |
2 Gems | |
简直是剥皮 It's Just Skin |
滑行距离合计达到500米。 Slide for a total of 500 meters. |
5 Gems | |
主宰者 Juggernaut |
打碎250件可以被破坏的物品。 Smash 250 destructible objects. |
5 Gems | |
弹跳力 Jumper |
不使用滑行一次逃亡1500米。 Run 1,500 meters in one run without sliding. |
5 Gems | |
马拉松 Marathon |
奔跑达到42195米! Go the distance! (run 42195 meters) |
10 Gems | |
医生! Medic |
被医药箱治愈达到1000点。 Heal 1,000 health from shooting health crates. |
4 Gems | |
超级马拉松 Mega-Marathon |
奔跑达到421950米。 Go the distance again! And again, and again, etc. |
15 Gems | |
大富翁 Millionaire |
奔跑过程中收集1000000个硬币。 Collect 1,000,000 coins during runs. |
15 Gems | |
跳墙 Off the Wall |
在墙上奔跑达到500米。 Run a total of 500 meters on walls. |
3 Gems | |
零钱 Small Change |
一次逃亡过程中收集500硬币。 Collect 500 coins in one run. |
2 Gems | |
神枪手 Sharpshooter |
射中25个在空中的敌方投射物。 Shoot 25 enemy projectiles out of the air. |
3 Gems | |
滑稽剧 Slapstick |
一次逃亡过程中被绊倒20次。 Stumble 20 times in one run. |
4 Gems | |
战利品 Spoils of War |
通过射击硬币箱获得1000个硬币。 Earn 1,000 coins from shooting coin crates. |
5 Gems | |
全抛光 Fully Polished |
全面升级劳拉的标志性手枪。 Fully upgrade Lara's signature pistols. |
20 Gems | |
时间膨胀 Time Dilation |
累积持续了300秒慢动作。 Spend a total of 300 seconds in slow motion. |
3 Gems | |
一石二鸟 Two Birds |
用霰弹枪一枪击中至少2个敌人。 Hit at least 2 enemies with one shotgun blast. |
3 Gems | |
牢不可破 Unbreakable |
在一场战斗中没有受到伤害。 Take no damage during one combat session. |
2 Gems | |
衣柜 War-Drobe |
穿上5套不同的服装。 Wear 5 different outfits. |
15 Gems | |
杀死偷袭者 Kill Stealer |
射中在空中的敌方投掷物后杀死对方。 Shoot an enemy's projectile out of the air and then kill him. |
3 Gems | |
幸存者 Survivor |
承受住10次诅咒。 Survive 10 curses. |
No longer available | |
六角巫术挑战 Hex-agon |
向朋友发送6种不同的诅咒。 Send 6 different curses to friends. |
No longer available |
“丛林神庙”关卡成就 Jungle Temple Achievements
植物学家 Botanist |
在“丛林神庙”关卡中的触碰500株植物。 Disturb 500 plants in the Jungle Temple. |
3 Gems | |
炸弹恐龙 Dinomite |
击败“丛林神庙”关卡的BOSS。 Defeat the Boss of the Jungle Temple. |
5 Gems | |
统治者 Dominator |
击败“丛林神庙”关卡的BOSS10次。 Defeat the Boss of the Jungle Temple 10 times. |
10 Gems | |
撞大运 Blind Luck |
在不跳跃、滑行或变道的情况下通过三重摆。 Survive the triple pendulums without jumping, sliding or changing lanes. |
15 Gems | |
霸王龙 Mastersaurus Rex |
一次逃亡过程中击败“丛林神庙”关卡的BOSS2次。 Defeat the Boss of the Jungle Temple 2 times in one run. |
15 Gems | |
三重摆 Pendumonium |
一次逃亡过程中通过25个三重摆。 Survive 25 pendulums in one run. |
7 Gems | |
史前学家 Prehistorian |
收集“丛林神庙”关卡20件文物。 Collect 20 Relics from the Jungle Temple. |
10 Gems | |
点心时间 Snack Time |
被“丛林神庙”关卡的BOSS吃掉5次。 Be eaten by the Boss of the Jungle Temple 5 times. |
3 Gems | |
开拓者 Trailblazer |
使用跑酷动作在“丛林神庙”关卡中找到一条秘密路径。 Use a parkour move to find a secret path in the Jungle Temple. |
7 Gems | |
消防队员 Firefighter |
射中300个火盆投掷物。 Shoot 300 fire pot projectiles. |
4 Gems |
“沙漠废墟”关卡成就 Desert Ruins Achievements
考古学家 Archaeologist |
收集“沙漠废墟”关卡20件文物。 Collect 20 Relics from the Desert Ruins. |
10 Gems | |
笨拙 Clumsy |
碰坏25件陶瓷。 Smash 25 pieces of pottery. |
2 Gems | |
探索者 Explorer |
使用跑酷动作在“沙漠废墟”关卡中找到一条秘密路径。 Use a parkour move to find a secret path in the Desert Ruins. |
7 Gems | |
一杆进洞 Hole-in-One |
刚好死在吊灯里面。 Die and land in a chandelier. |
3 Gems | |
家装 Home Improvement |
撞碎25个门窗。 Smash through 25 windows and doors. |
4 Gems | |
击败地精 Kobold Conquered |
一次逃亡过程中通过“沙漠废墟”关卡9种不同的陷阱。 Survive 9 different kinds of traps in the Desert Ruins in one run. |
10 Gems | |
驯狮师 Lion Tamer |
击败“沙漠废墟”关卡的BOSS。 Defeat the Boss of the Desert Ruins. |
5 Gems | |
独轮车 Unicycle |
单轮行驶3500米。 Travel 3,500 meters on one wheel. |
3 Gems | |
硬核曼提柯尔 Manti-Hardcore |
击败“沙漠废墟”关卡BOSS10次。 Defeat the Boss of the Desert Ruins 10 times. |
15 Gems | |
猫和老鼠 Cat and Mouse |
一次逃亡过程中击败“沙漠废墟”关卡BOSS2次。 Defeat the Boss of the Desert Ruins 2 times in one run. |
10 Gems |
“山口”关卡成就 Mountain Pass Achievements
玻璃屋 House of Glass |
一次逃亡过程中完全摧毁5个冰障 Completely destroy 5 ice barriers in one run. |
3 Gems | |
敲响我的铃 Ring My Bell |
碰撞25个大钟。 Collide with 25 large bells. |
5 Gems | |
先驱者 Pioneer |
使用跑酷动作在“山口”关卡中找到一条秘密路径。 Use a parkour to find a secret path in the Mountain pass. |
5 Gems | |
灭虫剂 Exterminator |
射中300个在空中的小蜘蛛。 Shoot 300 tiny spiders out of the air. |
5 Gems | |
信仰之跃 Leap of Faith |
不加思考地跳入深渊。 Jump Blindly into the abyss. |
3 Gems | |
嗜蛛症 Arachnophilia |
打败巨型冰蜘蛛。 Defeat the Giant Ice Spider. |
5 Gems | |
文物猎人 Relic Hunter |
收集“山口”关卡20件文物。 Collect 20 Relics in the Mountain Pass |
10 Gems | |
一山不容二虎 There Can Be Oni One |
击败“山口”关卡的BOSS。 Defeat the Mountain Pass boss. |
3 Gems | |
了不起! Smashing! |
击败“山口”关卡BOSS10次。 Defeat the Mountain Pass boss 10 times. |
2 Gems | |
强者生存 Oni The Strong Survive |
一次逃亡过程中击败“山口”关卡BOSS2次。 Defeat the Mountain Pass boss twice in one run. |
5 Gems |