
发表时间:2013/08/30 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:2839  


Tomb Raider Tours #20: Becca

Comics and boxers and cell phones, Oh my! Becca’s Tomb Raider collection seems to have it all, from multimedia to rare promotional items. Take gander at her impressive wares above, and hear about her spark for collecting below!

Name: Becca (TombRaiderKuchen)

Country of Origin: Scotland

How long have you been a fan of Tomb Raider?
I’ve been a fan since 1997, so 15 years now! I would have been about 6 years old when my Dad brought home Tomb Raider 2. Whenever he got back from work we would sit and play it together and ever since then I’ve been hooked! I started out by collecting reviews from gaming magazines and keeping them in a ring binder. I even went to my school Halloween party dressed as Lara when I was about 8!

What is your fondest Tomb Raider memory?

Well, fighting the Dragon in TRII for the first time was amazing! 

(Obviously the reason I still like dragons today). I absolutely loved the level “Home Sweet Home”. I would try to complete the assault course, go in the maze and open the basement as if nothing was going on. I even started using the corner glitch to get on the roof and confuse the baddies. In TRIII my Dad, my brother and I would take turns to beat each other’s records on the quad bike in Lara’s mansion. I’d like to say that I won!

Finally a more recent memory -  grab a bucket! In 2010 I met my boyfriend. Of all things we could have bonded over, who knew that it would be the two of us reciting the end cutscene from “The Great Wall” word for word! “Pardon me, if that was just your way of trying the doors for me…”

Where did you get the bulk of your Tomb Raider merchandise?
Like most collectors, I get a lot of my collection online from sites like eBay and Amazon. Also, I’ve been an active member of a website called RetroCollect since 2011. The community there is amazing and a few of the members kindly keep an eye out for any Tomb Raider related items that could be added to my collection. They’ve found some pretty cool stuff for me!

How do you store or display all of your Tomb Raider goods?
I’m currently at university so I store my collection in my old bedroom back home. It has basically turned into a Tomb Raider shrine with a bed in it! I currently have everything displayed on a bookcase and one other unit but it’s beginning to get a little bit cramped. Hopefully one day I’ll have more space and I’ll be able to display everything the way I want to.

What is the gem of your Tomb Raider Collection?

Now that’s a tough question.. As my collection has grown I’ve acquired more and more items that I never dreamt I would own. Here’s a few of my gems:

- Tomb Raider: Chronicles Letter Press Kit 
- Tomb Raider: Underworld Xbox 360 Press Kit
- Tomb Raider Big Box PSX Clock Edition
- Tomb Raider 1 & 2 Edition Limitee (French PS1 Double Pack)
- Tomb Raider 2013 Display Stand
- Tomb Raider Compendium Vol 1
- Tomb Raider Duvet Sets

I could go on.. If you haven’t figured already I particularly love finding rare variations, double packs, press kits, promos etc. I reckon I need two separate lists; one for software and one for merchandise!

Is your collection complete? 

Nope! I don’t think it ever will be. I love collecting for Tomb Raider – not only because I love the games – but also because I am fascinated by the sheer amount of different merchandise there is. I don’t think I’ll ever stop finding out about new treasures.. It certainly keeps things exciting!

As for my wishlist, there is so much more stuff that I would love to get. The list could go on forever.. A few things I would like include: More press kits and rare variations, more figurines, a skateboard, a life size statue, style guides, the rest of the NSTC and NTSC-J versions of the games, Tomb Raider Legend slot machine, signed posters… and pretty much everything else ever!

Oh and of course, I can’t wait to get my hands on the next game ;)

If you’ve got an impressive Tomb Raider collection and would like to show it off, send an email to community@crystald.com. 

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