“古墓之旅”第十五期:海莉·艾伦(Hayley Allen)(英文稿)

发表时间:2013/02/04 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:2471  


Tomb Raider Tours #15: Hayley Allen

Hayley has the good fortune of being a Tomb Raider fan that lived in close proximity to Core Design – hence, some pretty exclusive goods. Hayley may also have the coolest parents in the world, as they deemed a three-foot statue of Lara a perfect gift for a 14-year-old. Check out (a small fraction) of the collection above, and interview below!

Name: Hayley Allen

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

How long have you been a fan of Tomb Raider? 
I have been a fan ever since the first game, I remember my dad coming home with it and being amazed by the first level and scared of the wolves! Core Design was based near where I live so I took a strong interest straight away even though I was only eight years old. I started collecting properly with Tomb Raider 2 and have not looked back ever since.

What is your fondest Tomb Raider memory? 
I still love the original games, so when Lara turns into the Midas gold, the T-Rex, and The Wreck of the Maria Doria are probably my favorite parts. I always have a fond memory of the releases of the games and the excitement before they come out and finding all the new merchandise. I remember my parents buying my 3ft Lara statue for my 14th birthday, they had hidden her in our garden shed and I found her with a balloon attached to her arm. I don’t think I have been so shocked and happy in my life!

Where did you get the bulk of your Tomb Raider merchandise? 
I have about a hundred and ten magazines with Lara on the cover (probably more!), most of which I have bought from shops at the time, same for the figures and the games. Ebay makes it very easy to find things you normally wouldn’t. I have had things everywhere from conventions to car boot sales.

How do you store or display all of your Tomb Raider goods? 
I have most of my collection in my old bedroom at home, I don’t keep much out on display except my statues. Everything else is in plastic boxes so I do not damage them! I am starting to get too much Lara merchandise for my room however and I would like to display them properly soon. I would love to frame all of my magazines and have them on the walls like at the Crystal Dynamics Offices.

What is the gem of your Tomb Raider Collection? 
I love every single part of my collection, although my Art of Tomb Raider is high on my list as it is the most expensive thing I have bought. Otherwise my 3ft statue as I had that for my 14th Birthday and also my signed TR HD collection by Ian Livingstone and my signed Anniversary picture by Keeley Hawes. I met them both and was so nervous and excited to get their signatures. The pride of my collection is my magazines and I get so excited when a new one comes out or I manage to track one down that I have not already got. My strangest items are my Lucozade lilo and I also have a dog toy in the shape of Lara, which I think are actually quite rare.

Is your collection complete? 
My collection will never be complete as long as the games are still being made! I have preordered the Collector’s Edition of the new Tomb Raider so that is next on the wishlist. Also they have just announced the controller and the limited edition guide that I would love, however I am sure there will be many more things I will want though :) Collecting Tomb raider is far too addictive, I just cannot say no to anything I see!

If you’ve got an impressive Tomb Raider collection and would like to show it off, send an email to community@crystald.com. 
