
发表时间:2011/11/14 00:00:00  来源:“ericspeed”翻译  作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:2228  

“古墓之旅(Tomb Raider Tours)”第三期
皮特·伯格(Peter Burger)

有些古墓爱好者们收集一切他们可能得到的古墓丽影周边产品,然而有一些爱好者们却有独特的嗜好。皮特·伯格的收藏起源于他对人偶的喜爱——Playmates系列、Neca系列和Atlas系列——直到他在2009年2月发现了Tonner公司的古墓丽影“Full Throttle”系列玩偶。现在他专注于收集玩偶,包括收集有才的古墓丽影爱好者Laragwen的作品。










Some fans collect every bit of Tomb Raider merchandise they can get their hands on, while others have more selective taste. Peter Burger’s impressive collection began with a love for figures – Playmates, Neca, and Atlas – until he discovered Tonner’s Tomb Raider “Full Throttle” doll on eBay back in February of 2009. Now he focuses on collecting the dolls, including custom variations by crafty Tomb Raider fan Laragwen. Enjoy!

Name: Peter Burger

Country of Origin: Netherlands

How long have you been a fan of Tomb Raider? About three years.

Where did you get the bulk of your Tomb Raider merchandise? The majority came from eBay, from the US, Canada, and Australia.

How do you store or display all of your Tomb Raider goods? Most of my dolls are stored in a display cabinet.

What is the gem of your Tomb Raider Collection? My favorite is the initial run of the Legend Tonner dolls. Only 100 were available worldwide, and I have two. ☺

Is your collection complete? What items are on your Tomb Raider wishlist? I think my collection will never be complete! I’ll take any Tonner doll I can get, and a life-sized statue of Legend would be great.
