《Unbound From Fear(抛开恐惧)》——玩家原创《古墓丽影9》献礼歌曲

发表时间:2013/08/24 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:Kljaka  浏览次数:2843  




(lyrics are in the description)

This is my tribute to my favorite heroin of all time. I used the official ringtones as the inspiration for the music, and was aiming for a soundrack-like sound by using only eastern instruments.
I wrote and recorded the original song at the time the Turning point trailer got out. I tried to polish the song a little since almost a year has passed, and ended up practically remaking it. I would do it even better if I knew how lol, since Tomb Raider really means alot to me. Hope you like this version better, I worked really hard on it.


Light escapes,
as shadows set in
Right here and now
I either end or begin

The path I am on
Just a card dealt by fate
I don't question my choice,
Knowing it's not too late

For this turmoil within
This storm I am in
To break me just to make me that much stronger

From within my skin,
Each time I fall and bleed
I resurface as a hero
Reborn in flame,
Unbound from fear

Lost, I found
My thread unwound
Dust settled on the ground
I am free

And pain
As the turmoil within
The storm I was in
Can break me just to make me that much stronger

From within my skin,
Each time I fall and bleed
I resurface as a hero
Reborn in flame,
Unbound from fear

What I needed all along
Just slept within me
The survivor brought to surface
Meant to see
Life in all it's color

I resurface as a hero
Reborn in flame,
Unbound from fear

All rights belong to their rightful owners, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics. The Tomb Raider theme was composed by Jason Graves. I do not own the video material or the Tomb Raider theme.
